Careers: Master of Science in Criminal Justice

Careers: Master of Science in Criminal Justice
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Are you someone who values community, laws and serving others? If so, a master’s degree in criminal justice may be the right fit for you.

From police executive to FBI special agent to a criminal justice policy analyst or professor, earning your Master of Science in Criminal Justice degree opens the door to a wide variety of different job opportunities stretching across a multitude of fields. The best part about completing our online Master’s in Criminal Justice program is having the ability to uphold your values by serving others throughout your career.


Occupation Median Wage Projected Growth
First-Line Supervisors of Police and Detectives $101,750 2-4%
Probation Officers and Correctional Treatment Specialists $61,800 2-4%
Private Detectives and Investigators $49,540 5-8%
Security Management Specialists $79,590 2-4%
Customs and Border Protection Officers $72,280 2-4%
First-Line Supervisors of Correctional Officers $70,530 -2%
Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers $72,280 2-4%