Curriculum: Bachelor of Technical and Applied Studies in Applied Administration

Curriculum: Bachelor of Technical and Applied Studies in Applied Administration
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All of your coursework for the Bachelor of Technical and Applied Studies program is completed online. Our students are provided with the skills to take their career to the next level or make sure they are better prepared when they begin their professional career.

Sample Curriculum
Customized curriculum map for the BTAS program is available to fit your schedule and pace. Part-time and Full-time options are available to all students. Summer term courses are also offered. Program accepts students 6 times a year, Spring, Summer or Fall. Self paced online orientation is required after you are accepted to the program.

60 credits total, 20 courses
Full-time students can complete in 5 semesters. Part-time students can complete in 10 semesters.

Course Title / Description Credit
AIS 3001
Mid-Collegiate Experience/Bridging Module
Course: AIS 3001
Credit: 3
Transitional course for students who have completed an associates degree in a technical or applied field and who desire to earn a technical baccalaureate degree in applied studies for the purposes of career advancement and personal development. The focus will be on analyzing, comparing, and defining concepts and methods that bring technology and the liberal arts together.
AIS 3010
Team Building
Course: AIS 3010
Credit: 3

Facilitation skills, group roles, team performance assessment, stages of team development, dysfunctional teams, autonomous work teams. Class will function in teams to accomplish a project and numerous exercises/activities.

AIS 4075
Diversity in Professional Settings
Course: AIS 4075
Credit: 3
Students will understand basic gender and diversity theories. The course will examine the effects of gender and diversity in the workplace and how to balance these issues.
AIS 3036
Financial Information for Managers
Course: AIS 3036
Credit: 3
The course will cover how to read and to use financial statements, how to employ ratios and performance measures, and how to improve decision making. There will be emphasis on distinguishing relevant information from irrelevant information. The course will deal with how to use principles of leverage, and of working capital management, as well as the issues, tools and techniques that drive financial decision making. Subjects covered will include variable costing and absorption costing (both traditional and activity-based costing), cost behavior, budgeting principles, and target costing.
AIS 3035
Media Assets and the Law
Course: AIS 3035
Credit: 3
The course examines media content and intellectual property assets within contemporary commercial and communications distribution systems with an emphasis on economic, legal, and political issues.Explores professional and legal issues of media production including contracts, copyright and licensing of media assets and related intellectual property rights. Also explores emerging opportunities within the field.
AIS 4001
Technology: Promises and Perils
Course: AIS 4001
Credit: 3
Technology has irreversibly changed our personal, professional, and economic lives. This course will view technology through a critical lens as it explores the potential benefits and challenges of the infusion of technology at home, at work, and in society at large. Areas of exploration include personal, business, and government implications of data collection, aggregation, analysis, and distribution; the impact of technology on innovation and creativity; economic implications of technology; and ways in which technology is influencing human interaction.
AIS 3090
Applied Data Analytics
Course: AIS 3090
Credit: 3
This applied statistics course emphasizes strategic decision-making using statistical data analytics methods and quantitative reasoning techniques. Principles and techniques used for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting quantitative data for strategic organizational decision-making are covered. Additionally, the basics of conceptualizing and designing data analytics projects with the highest level of integrity are covered. A scenario-based approach is utilized focusing on evaluating information and data, selecting appropriate statistical or quantitative methods, and recommending effective decisions that support an organization’s mission and strategy.
AIS 3070
Applied Professional Writing
Course: AIS 3070
Credit: 3
This course covers practical strategies necessary to produce effective writing in professional environments. You will explore the assumptions that govern writing in your field and practice the writing skills and styles applicable to communicating effectively in the workplace.
AIS 4045
Applied Employee Supervision
Course: AIS 4045
Credit: 3
A study of the role of the supervisor. Identification and use of supervisory functions as applied to leading, planning, organizing, communicating, counseling, motivating, and human skills are examined. This course will utilize a case study approach to emphasize the applied nature of these concepts.
AIS 4032
Interpersonal Connections in the Workplace
Course: AIS 4032
Credit: 3
This course examines and builds on major interpersonal theories and principles related to businesses, and helps students apply their theoretical knowledge to practical experiences in the workplace.
AIS 4085
Global Challenges for the 21st Century
Course: AIS 4085
Credit: 3
This course addresses seven major challenges of the 21st Century -- population, resources, communication, technology, economics, governance and conflict -- with an emphasis on how they will change our world in the coming years. The course will incorporate broad overviews as well as very specific examples and case studies, with a focus on helping students become more globally competent citizens and leaders.
AIS 4052
Applied Media Methods
Course: AIS 4052
Credit: 3
A survey of the commercial media industry and an introduction to the principles and process of creating mediated messages in an increasingly media-saturated world. Students are exposed to a theoretical and practical foundation in the intersecting worlds of message development, media production, and visual communication. The course also explores the wide range of distribution methods that are available through contemporary technology and the roles and responsibilities of the people that generate the content. Students are introduced to the development process, the software and hardware systems used during production, and their technical potential and constraints. A working understanding of the skill set, time, and budget necessary to effectively create and deliver media messages will be developed through examples and hands-on activities.
AIS 3026C
Applied Technology for Personal and Professional Productivity
Course: AIS 3026C
Credit: 3
Technology tools have become an integral part of personal and professional activities. This course focuses on ways in which technology can be applied to facilitate and improve personal and professional productivity, problem-solving skills,and decision-making ability. Students will develop strategies for (1) analyzing technology needs; and (2) evaluating, selecting, acquiring, and using technology tools that meet those needs. The course will also explore effective ways to manage the disruptions and distractions that occur as a result of the infusion of technology in personal and professional activities.
AIS 3050
Law and Ethics in Professional Settings
Course: AIS 3050
Credit: 3
The course focuses on the legal issues, the regulatory issues and the ethical issues common to organizations as they employ workers, compete in the marketplace, and produce goods and services, all in the context of a global environment. Relevant ethical behavior and theories will be studied. Emphasis will be placed on the employment relationship covering such topics as hiring, dismissal, wrongful discharge, employee rights, and the employer's duty to provide a safe workplace. Consumer protection and product liability will be studied.
AIS 4070
Public and Non-Profit Administration
Course: AIS 4070
Credit: 3
This course provides an overview of the administration of public and non-profit organizations. Topics include: current definitions and terminology, core activities for supervision, public and non-profit organizational designs, decision-making and communication strategies, budgetary and funding aspects, including government and grant funding sources and strategies, and the use of commercial and social marketing for public and non-profit programs and organizations.
AIS 4018
Public Images of Organizations
Course: AIS 4018
Credit: 3
Internal and external communication practices in businesses as related to mass media and public relations, organizational and strategic communication, identity, image, and risk management.
AIS 4063
Persuasive Applications
Course: AIS 4063
Credit: 3
This course examines theories, principles, and practices of persuasion. The emphasis will be on persuasive messages for informal and formal settings, whether interpersonal, group, public, or media forums.
AIS 4012
Trends in Communication Technology
Course: AIS 4012
Credit: 3
This course examines the role of media technologies in society and culture as they affect current professional practices. Emphasis is on the technologies of the Information Age, including both social and cultural influences that have shaped the development of various new media, information, and communication technologies, as well the social and cultural impacts of these technologies.
AIS 3075
Applied Human Resource Practices
Course: AIS 3075
Credit: 3
This course explores the application of human resource fundamentals in a wide variety of organizational settings. Its purpose is to develop critical human resource competencies and knowledge necessary to be an effective manager. Topics addressed in this course include strategic human resource management in a changing environment, work analysis and design, planning, recruitment and selection, performance management and appraisal, training and development, compensation systems/benefits, labor relations and employee health and safety. This course utilizes experiential exercises and case studies that require the application of the human resource knowledge and competencies expected of a practicing manager.
AIS 4099
Senior Capstone
Course: AIS 4099
Credit: 3
This course is the capstone course for the BTAS degree. It is designed to provide students the opportunity to integrate knowledge and skills acquired in the communication and management courses to the recurring phenomenon of organizational change in the real world. By working on a capstone project that draws on prior coursework and a series of case projects, students utilize their critical thinking skills in synthesizing previous coursework to extend and develop their ability to manage change.
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