A First-Generation Student’s Journey at University of Cincinnati Online

In the pursuit of her dreams, as a first-generation college student, Xiyanna Kellogg found herself drawn to the University of Cincinnati Online’s Master of Science in Marketing program within the Lindner College of Business. With a background in film and having interned at various marketing agencies during her time at UC as an undergraduate, the experiences she gained ignited a spark of passion for becoming the next generation of marketers.

Xiyanna Kellogg's headshot.
Xiyanna Kellogg as a first-generation student pursuing her MS marketing degree.

Choosing UC Online: A Familiar Connection

Reflecting on her decision to pursue a master’s degree at UC Online, Xiyanna fondly expressed, “I attended UC during undergraduate,” emphasizing the continued connection she felt with the university. With an impending life change, the choice between an online program and on-campus learning presented itself. Opting for the former, she explained, “I chose an online program because of the flexibility. At the time, I was moving out of state and still wanted to be a Bearcat.”

Having embraced the online learning format, Xiyanna embarked on her journey with an open mind, ready to explore new horizons and skills. Her experience with online learning turned out to be an invaluable lesson in finding balance in life. As she gracefully juggled her studies alongside her role as a graduate assistant, she couldn’t be more thankful for the constant and unwavering support provided by her professors.

Leadership and Connection: Building Bridges among Graduate Students

Xiyanna became a leader early in her program as she suggested the implementation of measures to foster connections among graduate students. “My main concern was the disconnect that I would feel from being an active undergraduate student to now a remote graduate student. I believe that there needed to be a weekly meeting or a group chat that allowed graduate students to get connected.”

Having benefited greatly from the accommodating structure offered by UC Online, she enthusiastically recommends the program to others who share her aspirations. “I think it is a great idea that you are considering UC online because it will allow you the flexibility and skill development that you need for your career.”

A Clear Vision: Paving the Way for the Future

With her master’s degree soon to be in hand, Xiyanna has a clear vision of her future in the marketing world, aiming to apply both her film and marketing passions in roles like a brand manager, agency junior producer, or project manager.

Overall, Xiyanna’s journey in the University of Cincinnati Online’s Master of Science in Marketing program exemplified a fusion of passion and flexibility. As she paved the way for her career, her testimonial sheds light on the transformative potential of personalized online education.

Ready to Level Up Your Career? Learn More and Apply

Are you ready to follow Xiyanna’s lead? Learn more about the MS Marketing program and the Lindner College of Business and start your application.

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