Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Leadership

Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Leadership
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Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Leadership Program

The University of Cincinnati’s 100% online Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Leadership program provides students with the skills needed to bring strong leadership to their career upon graduation. Our program prepares students to manage various leadership tasks in the workforce such as conflict resolution, team building, organizational behavior, coaching and mentoring, as well as many other managerial responsibilities.

UC’s bachelor of arts online program prepares students to become outstanding leaders across all different types of businesses (e.g., for-profit, non-profit, government, & education). You will learn how to find your leadership style, problem solving skills, and ways to develop and grow a team in the workforce. Talent acquisition along with talent development will be helpful skills that you can transfer to any industry. Do you want to become a better leader?  Are you looking to advance to a director role within your organization?  Then a Bachelor of Arts degree in Organizational Leadership may be the perfect fit for you.

BA Org Leadership Faculty Video

Team meeting

What is Organizational Leadership?

Organizational leadership is a service-based, leadership approach that includes developing strategic plans for a wide variety of organizations and guiding individuals and/or teams to implement those plans. One of the primary goals of the organizational leadership program is to develop your effective leadership knowledge and skills. UC’s online bachelor’s program prepares students to lead mission-driven organizations to success and creates positive change in the workplace.

Coaching and mentoring, human resource management, dealing with conflict resolution are all responsibilities leaders address for an organization. Our program sets students up for success in these areas, as well as the following:

  • Bringing ethics and integrity to your management style
  • Providing emotional intelligence to your team
  • Showcasing strong communication skills to staff members
  • Bringing innovation and creativity to your organization
  • Leading with purpose

Team meeting

Is a degree in Organizational Leadership right for me?

Whether you are seeking an entry-level supervisor position or looking to advance your career to an executive level, a bachelor’s degree in organizational leadership can help you achieve your professional goals.

UC’s online Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Leadership program provides a clear pathway for students who wish to become leaders across all organizations, by targeting skill areas essential for leadership, organizational success and a lifetime of personal and professional achievement.

Our degree encourages our students to strive for new ideas in what leadership should look like in modern organizations. You will study the foundations of leadership, leading diversity in the workplace, the social influence and persuasion for leaders and more. The broad range of topics and focus on leadership skills create a comprehensive experience. Upon graduation our students are not only prepared to work in the field, but set up to excel as future leaders.

Program Highlights

  • 100% online, no campus visits required
  • Three start dates per year: fall, spring, or summer
  • Flexible, asynchronous coursework
  • Easy to transfer credits
  • Start-to-graduation support: Every student enrolled online is assigned a dedicated Student Success Coordinator to be help you with your educational journey

Program Webinar

Interested in the program, but want to know a little more about what you’ll learn? Watch our webinar below, featuring faculty members Dr. Shaun Owens and Dr. Nancy Rogers.


BA Org Leadership Webinar

Student Testimonial

Student Testimonial

Association Partnership

The University of Cincinnati Online is a proud member of the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI). ISPI and its members use evidence-based performance improvement research and practices to effect sustainable, measurable results and add value to stakeholders in the private, public, and social sectors.


Why University of Cincinnati Online?

Learn from National Renowned Faculty
The real-world focused faculty at UC are relevant, inspiring, attentive, supportive and connected!
Start-to-Graduation Support
Student Success Coordinators are available to students enrolled in online programs - they are your on-campus partner who can help you manage your time and whatever you need to get you to graduation.
Affordable Financial Support
Financial aid packages can help make your tuition more affordable. Currently, nearly all students at UC Online are eligible for some form of financial aid or assistance.
Career Advancement
Gain cutting-edge marketability, knowledge and skills to increase your earning potential and quality of life.
Academic Accreditation
The University of Cincinnati, a premier research and higher learning institution, ranks in the top tier of America’s Best Colleges by U.S. News & World Report and is fully accredited nationally.
The program is designed for working professionals that need the flexibility of online classes.

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Tuition Scholarships

UC Online has partnered with hundreds of companies to offer tuition scholarships to employees, spouses and dependents.

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