Curriculum: Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Leadership

Curriculum: Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Leadership
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UC’s online BA in Organizational Leadership curriculum provides a robust outlook on many aspects of org leadership. Our degree encourages our students to strive for new ideas in what leadership should like in modern organizations. Our 100% online program can be completed in as quickly as 3 years! For a breakdown of the credit hours needed, please see below.

Bachelor of Arts Degree Requirements- Total Amount 120 Credit Hours
Total Major Credits 61 Credit Hours
College of Arts & Sciences Core Requirements & University General Education/BOK 42 Credit Hours
Free Electives 17 Credit Hours


Total Major Credits

61 Credits
Course Title / Description Credit
Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology I
Course: PSYC2001C
Credit: 4
This course utilizes an integrated approach to research methods and statistics that underpin the scientific study of psychology. Using a problem-based approach to learning, this course will introduce the student to basic research methods, designs, and statistics commonly used and reported within psychology. Further, through a series of guided lab experiences, this course will provide students with the opportunity to conduct, interpret, and report results of simple psychological studies using current and accepted practices and approaches within the discipline.
Foundations of Leadership
Course: ORGL2050
Credit: 3
The Foundations of Leadership course is designed to help students explore the concept of leadership as a discipline that studies the individual, group, organizational, and societal factors that impact how effective leaders develop and how various traits and behaviors shape multi-level outcomes. The course provides a general introduction to historical and current theories of leadership, exploring how each theoretical approach can be applied in real-world organizations. Students engage in a variety of learning activities in order to assess and develop their own leadership knowledge and abilities. The fundamental premise of the course is that leadership requires mastery of multiple practices and skills and is enhanced by applying knowledge gained from the research and study of leadership.
The Practice of Leadership
Course: ORGL3050
Credit: 3
This course is designed to introduce students to the practice of leadership. Students will engage in a variety of individual- and team-based experiential activities in order to apply the theories and concepts learned about leadership in the Organizational Leadership foundation courses. These activities will also provide students with opportunities to assess and develop their own leadership knowledge and abilities. The fundamental premise of the course is that leadership requires mastery of multiple practices and skills. This can only be accomplished through a better understanding of self and others.
Writing for Business
Course: ENGL4091
Credit: 3
This course readies students for the kinds and purposes of writing they will do as they advance in their business careers. Good writing is a means to effective management and profitable customer relations. In studying the theory and practice of writing in the business environment, students will develop strategies for adjusting content, style, design, and delivery method to different rhetorical contexts. This course often operates as a writing intensive workshop where student participation is necessary and vital. This course is not a review of basic composition or grammar skills, although students will learn techniques for successful revising and editing.
Organizational Behavior for Effective Leaders
Course: ORGL2051
Credit: 3
This course explores the attitudes and behaviors of individuals and groups in organization in order to learn how to effectively lead and manage complex organizations. Leaders must possess a good understanding of human behavior, power and authority, organizational design, managing organizational culture and change, teamwork and collaboration, organizational effectiveness measurements, and decision making, motivation, and leadership styles. In addition, students will learn how organizations can be structured more effectively and how events in their environments affect these organizations. The course will address five areas essential for leadership, organizational success, and personal achievement: Writing, Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Organizing, and Application.
Organizational Assessment and Evaluation
Course: ORGL3053
Credit: 3
The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with different types of program evaluation, including needs assessment, formative research, process evaluation, monitoring of outputs and outcomes, impact assessment, and cost analysis. Students gain practical experience through a series of exercises involving the design of a conceptual framework, development of indicators, analysis of computerized service statistics, and development of an evaluation plan to measure impact. Covers experimental, quasi-experimental, and non-experimental study designs, including the strengths and limitations of each.
Organizational Leadership Capstone
Course: ORGL5000
Credit: 3
The Capstone course is designed to be the culmination of students' undergraduate degree program. It provides an opportunity for students to apply what they have learned in either an internship experience or through the development of a community- or school-based service project. Students work closely with the Organizational Leadership faculty member overseeing the course to develop a detailed learning contract that specifies how the student will demonstrate leadership competencies while serving in an approved leadership role. At the end of the term, students synthesize and report their experiences as they relate to the theoretical foundations of leadership being studied as well as to university's baccalaureate competencies.
Course: ORGL3030
Fundamentals of Organizations
Course: ORGL2060
Credit: 4
Organizational leaders are often called to play strategic roles in the business world, which can be problematic if one is unfamiliar with the nuisances of organizations. The course seeks to make future organization leaders familiar with crucial functional areas of organizations (accounting, finance, and marketing, etc.) for them to become more effective organizational contributors and play a wider strategic role, which includes data interpretation, and digital and information systems skills. Key concerns of each functional area, important concepts in each function, application of concepts, and how organizational leaders can help other functions achieve their missions will be covered.
Digital Skills for A&S Majors
Course: ENGL2199
Credit: 3
In this course, students will become familiar with basic digital skills needed for successful participation in the workplace of the future. Studies and business leaders attest that skills the College of Arts & Sciences majors develop—creativity, persuasion, collaboration, curiosity, and empathy—are crucial for the workplace today and in the future. This course is designed to complement these transferable soft skills with the hard skills of basic data analysis and reasoning using data. These skills provide a pathway to inquiry, innovation, and careers by offering students digital skills and a foundational digital literacy. Through this combination, students will be prepared for a future of multiple careers as well as for finding employment immediately after graduation. We assume no prior experience with digital methods. Students will use Microsoft Excel (for tabular data manipulation), Tableau (for visualizing tabular data), Sublime Text Editor (for understanding markup languages), and Jupyter Notebook (for basic computer syntax).
Course: ORGL2070
Organizational Theory, Design, and Change
Course: ORGL3100
Credit: 3
This course will examine theories about the ways that organizations function and adapt to the demands of our rapidly changing world. Leaders need to understand the patterns and structures practiced by organizations used to solve problems, maximize efficiency and productivity, achieve organizational goals, and address stakeholder expectations. With this information, leaders design and execute plans to achieve maximum organizational effectiveness.
Application of Fundamentals of Organizations
Course: ORGL2061
Credit: 4
Organizational leaders are often called to play strategic roles in the business world, which can be problematic if one is unfamiliar with the nuisances of organizations. The course focuses on the application of the material learned in Fundamentals of Organizations (ORGL2060). In this class, students will practice with the key documents and concept utilized in 2060 to provide them hands on experience with the crucial functional areas of organizations (accounting, finance, and marketing, etc.) for them to become more effective organizational contributors and play a wider strategic role. The application of key organizational concerns will be utilized to provide greater context and experience to future organizational leaders that will help other functions achieve their missions will be covered (data interpretation, information systems and digital skills).
Conflict Resolution
Course: PSYC3065
Credit: 3
Conflict is an inevitable part of life. Rather than fear and avoid it, this course is designed to help students better understand, manage and diffuse it. The course includes applied experiences; students will be actively involved in practicing conflict resolution skills through discussions, exercises, role plays and other similar activities. Students will gain knowledge and skills in key areas to better understand conflict: power, interests, negotiation and medication will be covered. Upon successful completion of this course, students will have the interpersonal skills required to be more effective negotiators and to better mediate disputes in environments where conflict exists.
Research Methods & Stats II for I/O Psychology
Course: ORGL2004C
Credit: 4

This course continues the integrated approach to research methods and statistics from Research Methods and Statistics I, focusing explicitly on I/O (industrial and organizational) psychology. This course will cover research ethics, research designs and statistical concepts within the area of I/O psychology, with a problem-based approach to learning. In addition to lectures, students will participate in lab experiences during which they will continue working with statistical software and data management. By the end of this course, students should be able to design a complex research study, perform the correct statistical analyses for that study, and communicate the findings in an appropriate APA-style paper.

Course: ORGL3003
Course: ORGL2095
Course: ORGL3040
Leadership Practicum
Course: ORGL4098
Credit: 1-3
The Leadership Practicum (OLHR4098) is designed for undergraduate students seeking to complement their major area of study with practical experience serving in a leadership role. The Practicum requires students to engage in an approved experience (e.g., an internship, community service engagement, school-related project) in which they put their leadership knowledge and skills into practice and then reflect on this experience through a series of structured learning modules. This iteration between "doing" and "reflecting" will enable students to develop a better understanding of their leadership skills, including strengths that they may leverage and weak areas that they may develop to enhance their leadership effectiveness. Students can earn up to 3 credit hours for the Practicum, depending upon the number of hours engaged in the leadership role. Enrollment in the course requires pre-approval from the student's faculty advisor.
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General Education Requirements

42 Credits
Course Title / Description Credit
English Composition
Credit: 3
Foreign Language
Credit: 12
Quantitative Reasoning
Credit: 3
Intermediate Composition
Credit: 3
Natural Science
Credit: 6
Historical Perspective
Credit: 6
Social Ethical Issues or Technology & Innovation
Credit: 3
Credit: 3
Additional Humanities or Fine Arts
Credit: 3
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