How Can You Earn College Credit for Work Experience?

In today’s professional world, earning a college degree can seem daunting, especially for working professionals who already have years of experience in their fields. It can seem even more urgent considering nearly half of available jobs as of 2021 are requiring a bachelor’s degree.

Fortunately, students can build on their previous life experience and advance in a degree program more easily. This is exactly what the University of Cincinnati’s Bachelor’s in Professional Studies (BPS) program, offered through the University of Cincinnati Online, provides. This program allows students to turn life experience into college credits, giving them a head start on their academic journey while saving time and money.  

If you’re curious about how to make the most of your life experience, we’ll explore how life experience for college credits works and how the University of Cincinnati will help you use it.  

What Does College Credit for Life Experience Mean?

College credit for life experience means you can apply your professional and life experiences toward earning academic credits. This can help reduce the time and cost required to obtain a degree. The University of Cincinnati offers several options for students to do this, including: 

These pathways simplify the process of applying experience gained outside the classroom to a degree. While all programs at the University of Cincinnati accept credits outlined through these methods, the Bachelor’s in Professional Studies program provides a more in-depth approach to apply work-based experience to earning credits.  

Applying Life Experience in the BPS Program

The BPS program through UC Online also explores your life experience through its foundations course, which all students take during their first semester of the program. This course introduce students to UC’s resources for online students, and serves as the starting point for students to map the rest of their curriculum according to their career goals.  

Assignments include writing discussion posts where students reflect on their experience with five core competencies in their prior professional roles and beyond. These competencies include: 

  1. Self-Management and Human Relations 
  2. Complex Problem-Solving and Decision Making in Groups 
  3. Data Literacy in Professional Contexts 
  4. Effective Professional Communication 

The instructors in the foundations course will use this information to help students map the rest of their curriculum through UC Online to ensure that they’re learning the skills that will best set them up for success. When this is coupled with prior college credits and other accepted forms of life experience a Bachelor’s in Professional Studies can be completed in as little as two years. 

What Are the Benefits of College Credit for Life Experience?

Besides faster degree completion, other benefits of life experience credits include:  

  • Reduced Tuition Cost: Fewer courses mean a lower overall cost for tuition, which is significant as tuition rates continue to climb nationwide. Students taking advantage of applying life experience credits will have less of a financial burden to finish their degree.
  • Relevant Practical Learning: Since the life experience that students bring is directly tied to the program’s coursework, the content of the program is relevant to their career goals. Rather than feeling bogged down in foundational courses, more time can be spent studying specialized fields of interest.
  • Career Advancement Opportunities: Many employers place high value on education as well as professional experience. By earning a degree that recognizes past experiences, graduates are better equipped for leadership roles, earn promotions in their current jobs, or transition into new career fields. 

By putting these benefits well within students’ grasp, the University of Cincinnati is able to provide an unparalleled college experience from a distance. Students who enroll in an online program can complete their degrees without feeling disconnected from the university.

Examples of Companies and Schools Offering College Credit for Life Experience

As the average age of college students is increasing and they are enrolling with relevant life experience, organizations are recognizing the importance of awarding credits.  Big companies such as Walmart and McDonald’s recently announced that they are launching new programs for their employees to earn college credits through their jobs.  

The University of Cincinnati prides itself on leading the charge through its Bachelor’s in Professional studies program. By offering a unique way to accept life experience through college credits, students can expect an easier way to put their life experience to work in forging a more fulfilling future for themselves and their families.  

Discover How UC Can Help with College Credit for Your Life Experience

If you’re ready to earn college credits for your life experience and start your journey toward new heights in your career, the University of Cincinnati is here to help! The support students receive when they enroll through UC Online has helped students of all ages who were previously unsure if college was the right choice. 

Start your application process for the Bachelor’s in Professional Studies program on our UC Online webpage,  contact our Enrollment Services Advisors directly, or call (513) 556-6459 if you have any questions. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can work experience be used as college credit? 

Yes, many colleges offer options to convert work experience into college credits, helping you progress toward a degree more efficiently. This process often includes assessments, exams, or portfolio submissions that showcase your professional knowledge and skills.

How can I turn my life experience into a degree? 

You can often turn life experience into a degree by applying for programs that accept life or work experience credits. These credits may be earned through exams, portfolio assessments, or specific training, allowing you to build on your background and save time and money toward graduation.

Do employers prefer life experience or education? 

Employers typically value a combination of both life experience and education, as each brings unique strengths. Many companies see the value in well-rounded candidates who have formal knowledge alongside practical, hands-on experience in the field.

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