How to Become a Certified Nurse-Midwife: Your 4-Step Guide

The role of the certified nurse-midwife (CNM) is rewarding and versatile. Certified nurse-midwives support women’s health in many ways, from delivering babies to providing prenatal and postpartum care. If you’re interested in supporting women’s health and helping them live their best lives, this could be the job for you.

Read on to learn how to become a certified nurse-midwife, along with other important info about this role.

Key Takeaways

    • Path to Becoming a CNM: To become a Certified Nurse-Midwife (CNM), you must first become a registered nurse (RN), complete a graduate-level nurse-midwifery program, pass the AMCB certification exam, and obtain state licensure. The process typically takes 6–8 years.
    • Career Opportunities & Salary: CNMs are advanced practice registered nurses who provide comprehensive women’s healthcare, including prenatal, delivery, and postpartum care. With a median salary of nearly $130,000 and a projected 38% job growth by 2032, CNMs have strong career prospects.
    • Work Settings & Scope: CNMs work in hospitals, clinics, and birthing centers and can even establish independent practices. They provide care beyond childbirth, including gynecological exams, fertility support, and menopause management.

What Is a Certified Nurse-Midwife (CNM)? 

A certified nurse-midwife is an advanced practice registered nurse responsible for providing care and support to women. Although their work typically focuses on pregnant women, they can also work with women at various stages of their lives and support their health in numerous ways. Nurse-midwives can work in various settings, like hospitals or birthing centers.

CNMs are also classified as licensed and independent healthcare providers across the entire United States and primary care providers according to federal law. That gives them similar status and powers to OB/GYNs, meaning they can write prescriptions, carry out physicals, prescribe treatments, etc.

What Does a Nurse-Midwife Do? 

Many people hear the word “midwife” and assume that CNMs only deliver babies. That’s certainly a big part of what CNMs do: delivering babies safely—including home births—and supporting mothers through this process. Typically, CNMs can provide all the support an expecting mother needs for a traditional, natural delivery. However, that’s not the be-all and end-all of a CNM’s role.

They can provide healthcare for women in the buildup to birth, along with postpartum support. They also offer services related to family planning, guide adolescent women and girls through puberty, carry out gynecological tests and exams, diagnose and treat fertility issues, support menopausal women, and more.

MSN Nurse-Midwifery Info Session Image

Difference Between Certified Nurse-Midwife and Nurse-Midwife

As the name implies, certified nurse-midwives are certified professionals with the power to practice at hospitals, clinics, birthing centers, and other locations. Those who are not certified don’t enjoy the same power and freedom. They aren’t accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Midwifery and haven’t obtained certification through the American Midwifery Certification Board (AMCB).

There’s also some confusion between CNMs and certified midwives (CMs). They both have to take the same certification exam and often have similar academic backgrounds, completing similar degree programs and taking a nurse-midwifery program of some sort. However, the big difference is that CNMs are also classed as qualified nurses in their own right.

Infographic showing the four steps necessary to become a certified nurse midwife

How to Become a Certified Nurse-Midwife in 4 Steps 

We’ve covered the basics. Now, let’s see exactly how to become a certified nurse-midwife step-by-step:

  1. Become a registered nurse
  2. Apply to a nurse-midwifery program
  3. Take the certified nurse-midwifery exam
  4. Apply for state licensure

#1 – Become a Registered Nurse

The first step is to become a registered nurse. This is a fundamental requirement for the role, and you won’t be able to get onto any nurse-midwifery program without a nursing qualification. So, don’t leave it for later or assume you can skip past it.

To become a registered nurse or RN, you need to complete an official accredited nursing program. You’ll also need to pass the NCLEX-RN exam. This exam, administered by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN), evaluates your knowledge and capacities for working in healthcare environments.

#2 – Apply to a Nurse-Midwifery Program

Once you’ve passed the NCLEX-RN and registered as a nurse, you can proceed to focus on your nurse-midwife specialty as part of your continuing education. The next best step is to apply and begin a nurse-midwifery program featured on the approved list of programs the Accredited Commission for Midwifery Education (ACME) has published.

These programs are graduate-level (for students who have already obtained a graduate degree or equivalent). They may also come with strict eligibility requirements, like a GPA of 3.0. Fortunately, there are plenty of options out there to suit individuals with different backgrounds and needs, including the University of Cincinnati’s Online MSN Nurse-Midwifery course, which you can complete online at your own pace.

#3 – Take the Certified Nurse-Midwifery Exam

Once you’ve finished a nurse-midwifery program, the next big challenge in learning to become a certified nurse-midwife is passing the nurse-midwifery exam. This exam is administered by the American Midwifery Certification Board (AMCB), and passing it means you’ve finally become a certified nurse-midwife.

The exam challenges you on your knowledge of the many areas of healthcare that CNMs are experts in, including antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum care. You’ll be tested on your understanding of women’s health and gynecology in various aspects to assess whether or not you’re fit to serve as a professional CNM.

#4 – Apply for State Licensure

The hard part is officially out of the way with the exam passed. But you’re still not done and ready to start working as a CNM immediately. With the certification, you’ll need to apply for state licensure in whichever state you intend to work in. The process varies a little from state to state, so reviewing the guidelines for your location before you begin is worth reviewing.

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Certified Nurse-Midwife Trends 

Now you know how to become a certified nurse-midwife. But is it the right move for you? Let’s take a look at some trends from the field, including expected salaries and future outlook for CNMs.


According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median pay for a CNM (in 2023) is just under $130,000 a year, which is a little over $62 an hour, similar to that of other advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs). That’s quite high compared to many other occupations, even in the healthcare sector, and more than double the average annual salary nationwide.

Career Outlook

In terms of prospects and potential for the future, there are plenty of reasons to be optimistic as a CNM or CNM-in-training. There will always be a demand for highly-trained and skilled nurse-midwives, as women will always need healthcare support. Statistics suggest that demand for this position is rising rapidly, and a 38% surge is expected by 2032. This is likely due to a slight increase in the popularity of out-of-hospital births (home births or dedicated birthing centers).

Thanks to this, anyone who is on the fence or unsure about whether or not they’ll have security as a CNM should rest easy. This kind of job offers plenty of potential not only now but for years to come. Once you get through the training and obtain your qualifications, you’ll be part of a select group of skilled, qualified, and highly employable medical professionals.

What’s more, CNMs have many options open to them. For example, you can follow the most obvious or traditional path of joining a hospital or seeking employment at various clinics or birthing centers. You could alternatively set up your practice and operate as an independent CNM, perhaps specializing in home births.

Timeline to Becoming a CNM

In total, it can take around six to eight years to become a certified nurse-midwife. That includes four years initially to obtain your BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) degree and become a registered nurse, then another two or more years for your MSN (Master of Science in Nursing) and additional qualifications.

Nurse-Midwife Schooling 

From an educational perspective, the absolute minimum requirement for all certified nurse-midwives is an MSN. You’ll first need to obtain your BSN to achieve your MSN, as mentioned in the previous “timeline” section. After your MSN, you may also pursue a Doctor of Nursing Practice Degree (DNP). This could give you a competitive edge in the job market.

Simplify the Nurse-Midwife Certification Process with UC Online 

Becoming a nurse-midwife is worth it, but the path to get there is quite complicated, demanding a big investment of time and effort. It’s important to find the right style of education that works for you, and UC Online could be the answer. Our MSN Nurse-Midwifery program gives you the freedom to study online at times and places that work best for you while still delivering all the knowledge and instruction you need to pursue your nursing dreams.

Get in touch with the UC team today to find out more.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can a certified nurse-midwife deliver a baby?

Yes, Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNMs) are fully trained and licensed to provide comprehensive maternity care, including prenatal support, labor and delivery, and postpartum care. They can safely deliver babies in hospitals, birthing centers, and even home settings. However, CNMs are not qualified to perform surgical procedures like C-sections, which require an obstetrician.

what is the difference between a certified nurse-midwife and a midwife?

A Certified Nurse-Midwife (CNM) is an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) with graduate-level training in midwifery, allowing them to provide a full range of women’s healthcare services, including gynecological exams, prescribing medications, and delivering babies in hospitals or clinical settings. A Certified Midwife (CM) has similar midwifery training but does not have a nursing background, which may limit their scope of practice in some states. Additionally, lay midwives or traditional midwives do not hold national certification and typically assist with births outside of hospital settings.

Is it harder to be a midwife or nurse?

Both careers are demanding in their own ways, requiring extensive medical knowledge and hands-on patient care. Midwifery often involves a deeper focus on reproductive health, pregnancy, and childbirth, while nursing covers a broader range of medical specialties. Ultimately, the difficulty depends on your personal strengths, interests, and career goals.

How long does it take to become a midwife from a nurse?

If you’re already a registered nurse (RN), becoming a Certified Nurse-Midwife (CNM) typically takes around 2–3 years. This includes completing a graduate-level nurse-midwifery program, passing the national certification exam, and obtaining state licensure. The exact timeline may vary based on program length, part-time vs. full-time study, and individual state requirements.

What are the benefits of being a certified nurse-midwife?

Becoming a CNM offers strong career stability, a high earning potential (with a median salary of nearly $130,000), and the opportunity to provide specialized, patient-centered care. CNMs have the flexibility to work in hospitals, clinics, and birthing centers—or even run independent practices—allowing for a dynamic and rewarding career path.

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