Curriculum: Associate of Arts in Communication

Curriculum: Associate of Arts in Communication
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Mapping out a plan is a key to success.  Below is the roadmap towards earning your Associate of Arts in Communication and finding the job that is right for you.

Course Title / Description Credit
Introduction to Communication Studies
Course: Comm1010
Credit: 3
This course serves as a First Year Experience for Communication majors at UC's regional campuses. The course introduces students to the different sub-disciplines and careers in Communication. Students will become familiar with college resources and begin developing skills for success in Communication courses.
Foundations of Quantitative Reasoning
Course: MATH1008
Credit: 3
Project-based course, emphasizing problem-solving, model-building, and basic data manipulation in real world contexts. Topics include: problem-solving, statistical reasoning, linear and exponential modeling, and modeling with geometry. Prerequisite: at least 30 on the ALEKS Math test or 420 on the Math Placement Test (MPT) is recommended.
Business Communication
Course: COMM2081
Credit: 3
This course introduces foundational business communication principles and practices. Students will learn to analyze different communication situations; to plan and design oral and written communications; to communicate effectively using appropriate formats, styles, and technologies; and to apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills in order to achieve desired communication objectives.
English Composition
Course: ENGL1001
Credit: 3
English Composition 1001 is a writing-centered course that emphasizes the careful reading, analytical thinking, and persuasive strategies inherent in researching and writing within an academic community. Students learn that rhetorical knowledge is the basis of composing while learning to write with purpose, audience, context, and conventions in mind. Students develop rigorous academic research practices: how to locate and evaluate primary and secondary sources relevant to their line of inquiry and position their own ideas in conversation with public writing. Students also engage in regular self-reflection: articulating what they know, what they can do, and how to apply their knowledge and skills in various contexts.
Introduction to Interpersonal Communication
Course: COMM1076
Credit: 3
Introduction to theory and practice in interpersonal communication. Topics include verbal and nonverbal communication, perception, listening, emotions, relationship development, conflict and power. Focus is on the development of an understanding of fundamental interpersonal dynamics and basic skills.
Preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse
Course: BIOL1031
Credit: 3
This course is designed for non-science majors to understand the science behind zombies in popular culture. It will start with the basics of biology and environmental science and expand to include the physical, chemical and biological principles of environmental systems as they relate to a zombie uprising. CDC emergency preparedness will also be covered.
Communication in Problem-Solving Groups
Course: COMM2021
Credit: 3
This experiential course covers the basic principles and theories of small group communication. Students will learn to identify behavioral outcomes of others and analyze, adjust and improve on their own communication skills. Students will be equipped to demonstrate understanding of group participation variables including: individual roles, leadership, goal achievement, conflict management, power dynamics, decision making, impact of personal image and business, social and system's theory models.
Spain World Cultures
Course: SPAN1081
Credit: 3
World Cultures: Spain introduces students to the cultures of Spain and everyday customs including traditions, celebrations, family, religion, food, music, the arts. The course of Spanish history will be examined to discover the interrelations of history, everyday customs, tradition and regional cultures and how they shaped present-day Spain. This course is taught in English.
Event Planning & Fundraising Management
Course: COMM2048
Credit: 3
Special event production utilized as a fundraising management tool is a blend of art and science needed to build awareness, increase member support and raise gifts for non-profit, health and education clients. This course will introduce the fundamentals of resource development: philosophy of philanthropy and the various motivations for giving; process (research, planning, cultivation, solicitation, stewardship & evaluation); and best practices by which managers can utilize event planning to develop an effective fundraising program. Through case studies and guest lectures, students will learn the essentials of how to create high quality events including developing objectives, invitation/marketing materials, selecting and negotiating price with venue and service providers, volunteer management, design, budget, logistic, publicity and promotion strategies and tactics.
Introduction to Environmental Studies 2
Course: EVST1012
Credit: 3
This introductory environmental studies course will use an interdisciplinary approach to examine environmental problems and discuss technological approaches to sustainable solutions. Major topics will include energy resources, pollution, waste management, environmental health, agriculture, urbanization, environmental law, policy and regulation, and sustainability.
Introduction to Public Relations
Course: COMM2042
Credit: 3
Introduction to Public Relations is an introduction to the history, theories and practices of the public relations profession. The ethics of PR, and PR as a process that is integral to successful organizational functioning, will be explored. Students will also develop some of the writing, planning and organizational skills of a PR professional.
United States History I
Course: HIST1001
Credit: 3
This course explores contact among North American Indigenous peoples, Europeans, Africans, Latino/as, and Asian/Pacific Americans and the complex societies and cultures that developed from the period of contact through the expansion of North American colonies in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. It examines broad themes of the colonial period, comparing historical ideas about social order, politics, economics, and labor with primary sources that show the varied experiences of people based on their race, sex, ethnicity, social and legal status, and religion. This course addresses race and ethnicity in particular as dynamic and complex ideological and cultural processes that shape all social institutions, belief systems, inter-group relationships, and individual experiences. The course also explores the establishment of the United States after a Revolutionary period in which many different sorts of people struggled to apply popular rhetoric of liberty to themselves. It further examines the United States' expansion during the first half of the nineteenth century, and the social, economic, and political controversies over race and the expansion of slavery that ultimately led to the outbreak of the Civil War. Finally, the course addresses continuing regional rifts following 1865, and how policies of Reconstruction hardened social inequalities that continue to shape American conversations about identity, inclusion, and the equal protection of the law.
Advanced Public Speaking
Course: COMM2002
Credit: 3
Advanced Public Speaking is a course that explores practices and develops skills in areas such as audience adaptation, advanced communication strategies, organization, use of technology, active listening, and verbal and nonverbal delivery. This course will help students refine their informative and persuasive speaking skills and ready them for professional settings.
Francophone World Cultures
Course: FREN1082
Credit: 3
This is a course, taught in English, about the cultures in the world where French is spoken. The course explores the Francophone world as a political and cultural influence, and as an historical force, using historical and contemporary texts and media.
Introduction to Mass Communication
Course: COMM2026
Credit: 3
This is a basic course designed to examine the role of media in contemporary political and cultural contexts. It will cover historical perspectives on the development, nature, and functions of mass media in society, and will deal with governmental regulations, ethical issues, ownership, audience response, professional versus personal use, and career pathways.
Introduction to American Politics
Course: POL1010
Credit: 3
The general focus of this course is the American political system, explained by examining American political ideology and the development of the American Constitution. The student will learn the dynamics of the American political system including: the ebb and flow of public opinion and voting behavior; how pressure groups and political parties influence political decisions and public policy. The course also explores issues within the American political system such as civil rights and civil liberties. Finally, the course will trace the historical development of the American political system, including debates between those who drafted the American Constitution and clashes throughout American History between those who interpreted the Constitution differently. The assigned readings complement these themes and deal with concepts, structures, theories, and processes of the American political system and its institutions.
Web Design I
Course: AMEC2050C
Credit: 3
An introduction to HTML 5 and CSS with a concentration on modern web standards and the semantic use of elements. Students will gain a thorough understanding of coding, visual design, page layout, and file management through a variety of hands-on projects. Open to non-majors.
Intermediate Composition
Course: ENGL2089
Credit: 3
Intermediate Composition is a writing-centered course that builds on what students learn in first-year composition and focuses students’ attention on theoretical underpinning of how meaning is made, understood, and communicated within and across various discourse communities and genres. The course emphasizes critical reading and writing, advanced research and analysis skills, and rhetorical sensitivity to differences in academic, professional, and public composing. This course challenges students to engage in substantive projects drawing on primary research and source analysis methods and asks students to document, communicate, and reflect on their research.
Interviewing for Communication Careers
Course: COMM2088
Credit: 3
Interviewing for Communication Careers exposes students to the wide range of career choices available in the communication major through in-depth self analysis, research and guest lectures by professionals. Students will prepare a complete portfolio; write a five year career plan;and improve their interviewing skills through mock interviews and activities encompassing employee, employer and persuader perspectives.
The Global Community: Cultural Diversity and Interaction
Course: SOC2089
Credit: 3
Develops awareness of, and sensitivity to, cultural diversity is today's world. Theory and research findings in sociology and other social sciences are drawn upon to examine social structure and culture, cultural diversity, how culture and social structure influence people's behavior, and how to interact effectively across cultures.
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