Curriculum: Associate of Science in Public Health

Curriculum: Associate of Science in Public Health
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The Associate Public Health program at the University of Cincinnati is designed to improve students understanding of public health and open the door to entry-level public health careers.

The curriculum was designed to help public health professionals:

  • plan and administer health education strategies, interventions and programs
  • conduct evaluation and research related to health education
  • serve as a health education resource
  • communicate and advocate for health and health education
Course Title / Description Credit
Personal Health
Course: HPE1001
Credit: 3
The purpose of this course is to provide basic health information that can be utilized to help students critically analyze their personal health behaviors and the health behaviors of others. Students will participate in a behavior change project for themselves, and valid health information and resources will be identified, discussed and analyzed using cultural, ethical, and societal frameworks.
Introduction to Global Health
Course: HPE1003
Credit: 3
This course is an introduction to the subject of global health with emphasis on significant global health issues, determinants of health, and factors which influence global health status, including: culture, gender, poverty, politics, economic development, ethical and human rights concerns, and education. The course will also examine how public policy and societal/cultural norms influence health and health behaviors and how health issues in individual countries influence political, economic, and cultural issues worldwide.
Mental Health Issues
Course: HPE1005
Credit: 3
This course explores the issue of mental health disorders frequently experienced in society. A major emphasis of this course is on the risk and protective factors associated with mental health problems as well as the appropriate courses of action to take for prevention and treatment. Stigma related to help-seeking behaviors and treatment for mental health problems is also addressed. Students are introduced to the facts surrounding various mental health issues and how systems and culture impact these issues. Effective strategies to promote positive mental health are thoroughly discussed throughout the course. Students will be provided with the unique opportunity to spend time reflecting on their own personal feelings, concerns, goals, and present life situations.
Consumer Health
Course: HPE1006
Credit: 3
The goal of this course is to provide students with the skills and resources necessary to become an informed consumer of health products and services. Students will learn to critically examine sources of health information from textbooks, websites, health professionals, the media, and others. Students will also learn to apply basic research concepts to health decision-making. Students will practice educating the general population about health products and services.
Nutrition and Health
Course: HPE1012
Credit: 3
This course explains the function of food, body processes and optimum diets as the concepts relate to health, wellness, and physical fitness throughout the lifespan. In addition, fundamental concepts of nutrition are addressed with a special focus on contemporary issues relevant to developing health professionals.
Emerging Health Issues
Course: HPE2006
Credit: 3
This course will review and openly discuss and debate controversial issues in health, health care, and health promotion and education. Students will actively participate in class discussions around various health topics and analyze their own ethical standards, values, and cultural beliefs and practices, in addition to those of other cultural groups, in order to better understand the social influence on decision-making and overall health outcomes. Students are encouraged and guided to examine differing perspectives of health issues and to participate in civil debate drawing on reputable sources to defend positions.
Introduction to Psychology
Course: PSYC1001
Credit: 3
This course is designed to give an overview of the field of Psychology and its major sub-fields, including (but not limited to) physiological (biology of behavior, consciousness, perception), cognitive (learning, thought, language), social, organizational, developmental, personality, and psychopathology and its treatment. Students will be equipped to compare the advantages and disadvantages of the various research methods used in the field. Students will be encouraged to critically think about the psychological theories discussed, and be able to apply those and their findings to their lives.  
Introduction to Sociology
Course: SOC1001
Credit: 3
This course introduces the discipline of sociology. Sociology is the systematic study of social interaction and social organization, particularly in contemporary society. Included is an examination of major research findings and theories related to the social causes and consequences of human behavior. Students are introduced to research methods, social structure and institutions, culture, socialization, social inequality, and social change.
Drugs and Society
Course: SOC2073
Credit: 3
This course will examine drug use from a sociological perspective, addressing how social factors influence our acceptance of the science of addiction, as well as biological and psychological factors influencing substance use and abuse. We will examine the history of substance abuse, the causes of use, social inequality as it relates to substance use, the demographics of substance use, and societal responses the use of various substances.
Families in America
Course: SW2050
Credit: 3
Through the lens of critical theory, the overarching goal of this course is to study the diversity of American families from a multigenerational developmental perspective. The family will be examined as a social system moving through time, with a focus on the challenges the family faces as they go through the family life cycle from courtship to old age. Because families are embedded within a social environment, we will explore how culture and societal forces affect the family life, and how certain policies, structures, attitudes, and behaviors marginalize and discriminate against non-traditional families. This course focuses on the ways in which the social work profession responds to contemporary families under stress, and how the values and ethics of the profession guide social work practice. In order to understand family processes that enable the family to meet the needs of its members, students will learn the importance of the person-in-environment fit, specifically examining how diversity, equity and inclusion issues impact family from a systems perspective. Students will learn about the major theoretical models that help us understand how family’s function such as systems, role, feminist, intergenerational, social learning, conflict, and ecological theories.
Course: PHIL2029
Course: HSST1041
English Composition
Course: ENGL1001
Credit: 3
English Composition 1001 is a writing-centered course that emphasizes the careful reading, analytical thinking, and persuasive strategies inherent in researching and writing within an academic community. Students learn that rhetorical knowledge is the basis of composing while learning to write with purpose, audience, context, and conventions in mind. Students develop rigorous academic research practices: how to locate and evaluate primary and secondary sources relevant to their line of inquiry and position their own ideas in conversation with public writing. Students also engage in regular self-reflection: articulating what they know, what they can do, and how to apply their knowledge and skills in various contexts.
Intermediate Composition
Course: ENGL2089
Credit: 3
Intermediate Composition is a writing-centered course that builds on what students learn in first-year composition and focuses students’ attention on theoretical underpinning of how meaning is made, understood, and communicated within and across various discourse communities and genres. The course emphasizes critical reading and writing, advanced research and analysis skills, and rhetorical sensitivity to differences in academic, professional, and public composing. This course challenges students to engage in substantive projects drawing on primary research and source analysis methods and asks students to document, communicate, and reflect on their research.
Introduction to Statistics
Course: STAT1031
Credit: 3
A one-semester comprehensive introduction to statistics suitable for students in biology, nursing, allied health, and applied science. Discussion of data, frequency distributions, graphical and numerical summaries, design of statistical studies, and probability as a basis for statistical inference and prediction. The concepts and practice of statistical inference including confidence intervals, one and two sample t-tests, chi-square tests, regression and analysis of variance, with attention to selecting the procedure(s) appropriate for the question and data structure, and interpreting and using the result. Prerequisite: at least 30 on the ALEKS Math test or 420 on the Math Placement Test (MPT) is recommended.
HPE 1002
Introduction to Public/Community Health
Course: HPE 1002
Credit: 3
This course will examine the public health system in the United States. Emphasis will be placed on how public health data is collected; the various roles and responsibilities of public health departments; principles of population health; evidence based public health practice; current public health issues and trends; preventing disease, disability and death; and public health across the lifespan. Topics will address elements of society and culture and how they impact the population health approach. Students should gain an appreciation for public health and develop an understanding of various public health career options.
HPE 1004
Introduction to Epidemiology
Course: HPE 1004
Credit: 3
This course is an introduction to epidemiological concepts and methods used to evaluate the distribution and determinants of health and disease in populations. Intended topics include measures of disease occurrence, common sources and types of data, important study designs and sources of error in epidemiological studies, and epidemiological methods.
INTR 1020
Introduction to Science Professions
Course: INTR 1020
Credit: 1
This course serves as an FYE course for biology and chemistry majors as well as students with an interest in professional careers such as dentistry, pharmacy, medicine, and veterinary medicine. This course is designed to introduce students to different careers in science and to familiarize students with the college support services available to them. Students will also have the opportunity to gather and share information about their chosen science profession as well as begin the development of skills necessary for them to be successful in their science courses.
PSYC 2010
Human Sexuality
Course: PSYC 2010
Credit: 3

This course examines multiple aspects of human sexuality. This topic is more than a topic – it is a lived experience for each and every human; sexuality fundamentally effects our individual and collective realities on many different levels. This course attempts to challenge familiar ways of viewing human sexuality and to deepen students’ academic knowledge about psychological, social, cultural, and scientific issues related to sexuality, introducing concepts and methodologies from multiple disciplines in the social sciences for the analysis of the subject.

Free Elective
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Free Elective
Free Elective
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