Curriculum: Associate of Applied Business in Healthcare Management Technology

Curriculum: Associate of Applied Business in Healthcare Management Technology
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The Healthcare Management Associate Degree Program provides students with a broad foundational study of the specific skills required in physician office and department management, including marketing, economics, accounting, human resources, business law and statistics. In addition, students will prepare to take the Certified Physician Practice Manager (CPPM) national credentialing exam by studying healthcare finance, healthcare quality, statistics and research, introduction to physician practice management, healthcare compliance, health information ethics, and healthcare applications.

This credential is a logical next step for those with experience in healthcare who are ready to advance their careers in physician practice management. Current practice managers will also benefit from this certification with increased knowledge and validation of their knowledge and experience in this skilled profession.


UC’s Online AAB Healthcare Management Technology program is a proud recipient of the Quality Matters Exemplary Online Program Certification for the following course:

  • HCMT 2014: Physician Practice Management

UC Online’s commitment to providing learners with an exceptional online learning experience was recognized by Quality Matters (QM) – the international leader in quality assurance for online and innovative digital teaching and learning environments.

Sample Curriculum

A customized curriculum map for the Associate Healthcare Management program is available to fit your schedule and pace. Part-time and full-time options are available to all students. Summer term courses are also offered. The program accepts students six times a year, twice in the spring, twice in the summer, and twice in the fall.

Course Title / Description Credit
MGMT1050, MGMT1080, or MGMT1085
First Year Business Introductory Course
Course: MGMT1050, MGMT1080, or MGMT1085
Credit: 3

Choose one Business Introductory Course: MGMT1085 Decision Making Tools, MGMT1080 Problem Solving Tools, or MGMT1050 Introduction to Business.

English Composition
Course: ENGL1001
Credit: 3
English Composition 1001 is a writing-centered course that emphasizes the careful reading, analytical thinking, and persuasive strategies inherent in researching and writing within an academic community. Students learn that rhetorical knowledge is the basis of composing while learning to write with purpose, audience, context, and conventions in mind. Students develop rigorous academic research practices: how to locate and evaluate primary and secondary sources relevant to their line of inquiry and position their own ideas in conversation with public writing. Students also engage in regular self-reflection: articulating what they know, what they can do, and how to apply their knowledge and skills in various contexts.
Fundamentals of Human Resources
Course: MGMT2072
Credit: 3
This course is an introduction to human resource management concepts, issues, and functions. Specifically, the concepts and functions of recruitment, selection, training, and development,EEO/Affirmative Action, performance appraisals, reward systems, employee benefits, unions, collective bargaining and employee relations. The course will emphasize on the applied nature of thecourse by focusing on the use case scenarios. Thiscourse is intended for the Associate of Applied Business (AAB) program, and does not apply toward a Bachelors in Business Administration (BBA).
Financial Accounting
Course: ACCT2081
Credit: 3
This course develops foundational knowledge and skills needed to prepare and analyze basic financial statements. Topics include cash, inventory, fixed assets, current and long-term liabilities and equity. Students will prepare multi-step income statements, classified balance sheets and statements of cash flows. Students will utilize efficiency and effectiveness ratios, as well as vertical and horizontal analysis, to evaluate financial performance.
Introduction to Microeconomics
Course: ECON1001
Credit: 3
The course assists students to learn and comprehend (1) economics as a social science that draws conclusions based on hypotheses, theories, and data in order to understand human behavior, (2) basic microeconomics terms and concepts, including scarcity and choice, equilibrium, efficiency and equity, positive and normative economics, comparative advantage, and specialization, (3) the fundamental economic question of allocating scarce resources, (4) opportunity cost and the production possibility frontier, (5) supply and demand, the function of prices in markets, how markets work and sometimes don't work, including market failure and externalities, (6) the effects of government intervention in markets, (7) how consumers make choices, (8) production theory, (9) the costs of production, (10) firm behavior in competitive markets, (11) firm behavior in imperfect markets, (12) elasticity and its application, (13) markets for resources, the determination of wage rates, interest, and rent, (14) the determination of income distribution, including poverty and discrimination, (15) the determinants of international trade flows, (16) to apply economic
Managerial Accounting
Course: ACCT2082
Credit: 3
This course develops foundational knowledge and skills needed to apply accounting data in planning and controlling business operations. Topics include costs, cost drivers and allocation, contribution margin and managerial budgeting.
Introduction to Marketing
Course: MKTG2080
Credit: 3
Marketing activities, analysis, strategies, and decision making in the context of other business functions. Topics include: integration of product, price, promotion, and distribution activities; research and analysis of markets, environments, competition, and customers; market segmentation and selection of target markets; and emphasis on behavior and perspectives of consumers and organizational customers. Planning and decision making for products and services in profit and nonprofit, domestic and global settings.
Introduction to Macroeconomics
Course: ECON1002
Credit: 3
The course assists students to learn and comprehend (1) economics as a social science that draws conclusions based on hypotheses, theories, and data in order to understand human behavior, (2) basic macroeconomic terminology and concepts, including the distinction between real and nominal magnitudes, (3) the national income accounts, (4) the nature of the business cycle, (5) the determinates of important macroeconomic variables,including the level of income, the level of employment, the unemployment rate, the natural rate of unemployment, the price level, the inflation rate, productivity and the rate of interest, (6) the supply and demand for money, (7)the Federal Reserve System, (8) aggregate demand and aggregate supply, (9) the effects of fiscal and monetary policies, (10) the basics of theories of macroeconomic instability, (11) unemployment and inflation tradeoffs, (12) the effects of the federal government's budget deficit, (13) long run growth and policies to affect growth, (14) comparative advantage, (15) the determinants of foreign trade flows and exchange rates, and their effects on the domestic economy, (16) to apply economic reasoning to better understand and critically evaluate real world circumstances and events.
Introduction to Statistics
Course: STAT1031
Credit: 3
A one-semester comprehensive introduction to statistics suitable for students in biology, nursing, allied health, and applied science. Discussion of data, frequency distributions, graphical and numerical summaries, design of statistical studies, and probability as a basis for statistical inference and prediction. The concepts and practice of statistical inference including confidence intervals, one and two sample t-tests, chi-square tests, regression and analysis of variance, with attention to selecting the procedure(s) appropriate for the question and data structure, and interpreting and using the result. Prerequisite: at least 30 on the ALEKS Math test or 420 on the Math Placement Test (MPT) is recommended.
Computer Applications
Course: IT1001C
Credit: 3
In this course, students perform basic business and academic tasks on a PC running the Windows operating system. Students are provided instruction in the Microsoft Office suite that covers Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access. Students learn how to work with a word processor, spreadsheet, data tables, and presentation software.
Healthcare Finance
Course: HCMT2040
Credit: 3
This course will prepare the health care manager for the responsibilities involved in maintaining awell-managed, financially strong health care organization. Basic vocabulary, processes, functions and reports are presented in this course, including financial statements as commonlyseen in health care environments. Topics covered include types of budgets; considerations for cash flow, payables and receivables; and process for working with various types of revenue streams, practice and project financing.
Physician Practice Management
Course: HCMT2014
Credit: 3

This course provides a comprehensive overview of the breadth of knowledge required to effectively manage a medical group practice today. The course covers a range of topics while taking into special consideration the need for a broader and more detailed knowledge base among practice managers. Topics covered include: physician leadership, judgment in management decisions, bioterrorism preparedness, financial management, health care information technology, regulatory issues, compliance programs, legal implications of business arrangements, medical malpractice, facility design, and capital financing for physician group practices.

Healthcare Compliance
Course: HCMT2045
Credit: 3
Healthcare compliance introduces the core elementsand strategies for compliance plan development, implementation and monitoring. The course will review key statutes, regulations and governmental policy guidelines.
Humanities and Literature Elective
Course: BoK: HU
Credit: 3

Student will select a Humanities and Literature Elective.

Healthcare Quality, Statistics and Research
Course: HCMT2022
Credit: 3

An applied course in healthcare quality, basic statistics and research methods with emphasis on the ability to analyze and interpret clinical and other health data for use in research, and health care decision making.

Intermediate Composition
Course: ENGL2089
Credit: 3
Intermediate Composition is a writing-centered course that builds on what students learn in first-year composition and focuses students’ attention on theoretical underpinning of how meaning is made, understood, and communicated within and across various discourse communities and genres. The course emphasizes critical reading and writing, advanced research and analysis skills, and rhetorical sensitivity to differences in academic, professional, and public composing. This course challenges students to engage in substantive projects drawing on primary research and source analysis methods and asks students to document, communicate, and reflect on their research.
Legal Environment of Business
Course: BLAW2080
Credit: 3
This course examines the legal environment in which business operates, and develops an understanding of the legal consequences attached to business decision making. Topics include the study of torts, contracts, property, ethics and the legal system of the United States.
Health Information Ethics
Course: HCMT2012
Credit: 3
An overview course that focuses on the study of healthcare codes of ethics, patient’s bill of rights, medical malpractice cases, and legal and ethical issues for medical offices. The course will examine the concepts of privacy, security, confidentiality, healthcare legislation, and regulations relating to the maintenance and use of health information.
Healthcare Applications
Course: HCMT2015C
Credit: 3
This course covers health information systems and their design, implementation, and application. Topics include spreadsheets, databases, electronic health records, data integrity, data modeling, and warehousing to meet departmental needs. Data dictionaries, data sets and the exchange of health information will also be covered.
Natural Sciences Elective
Course: BoK: NS
Credit: 3

Student will select a Natural Science Elective.

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