Curriculum: Graduate Certificate in Analysis of Criminal Behavior

Curriculum: Graduate Certificate in Analysis of Criminal Behavior
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The Graduate Certificate in Analysis of Criminal Behavior takes 12 hours to complete and can be completed in 1 year.  The certificate requires two core classes (6 hours) and two electives (6 hours).

Note that course offerings for CJ6012 and CJ7055 alternate years, with CJ6012 being offered in odd years (e.g., 2023) and CJ7055 being offered in even years (e.g., 2024).

Course Title / Description Credit
Required: Seminar in Criminology
Course: CJ7020
Credit: 3

This course provides an introduction to and critical analysis of major criminological theories, including theories from the bio-social, life course, strain, control, learning, labelling, rational choice, routine activities, feminist, and critical theory perspectives. The emphasis is on understanding the logical structure of these theories as well as their respective strengths and weaknesses.

Required course: Biosocial Factors in Serial Offending
Course: CJ8028
Credit: 3

This course provides an introduction to the biosocial perspective on criminal offending. The primary goal is to introduce students to the current state of knowledge on biosocial factors that affect human behavior, especially serious, repeated criminal behavior. The course will explain the structures of the brain and their functioning. The literature on behavioral and molecular genetics as it relates to criminal offending and antisocial behavior will be reviewed. The characteristics of psychopathology and the biological and social factors that lead to this condition will be explored in depth.

CJ7055 - Elective
Elective: Terrorism & Homeland Security
Course: CJ7055 - Elective
Credit: 3

This course provides an overview of the various components related to an empirical understanding of terrorism. The course will also review the development of homeland security in America as it relates to terrorism and situate this development within various perspectives. Emphasis in this course will be placed on critical assessment of ideologically-based viewpoints of terrorism and homeland security. Scientific empiricism will guide the student’s journey of the variety of topics that will be covered in this course.

CJ8073 - Elective
Elective: Victimology
Course: CJ8073 - Elective
Credit: 3

The materials presented in this graduate-level seminar provide an overview of key research areas in victimology. Among the goals of this course are to provide students with a critical understanding and appreciation of the development and current state of victimology theory, measurement, and empirical results.

CJ8072 - Elective
Elective: White-Collar Crime
Course: CJ8072 - Elective
Credit: 3

This course provides a detailed examination of white-collar crime. The primary goals are to provide an introduction to the field of white-collar crime and identify the main research issues and directions that currently dominate this area of study. The course reviews the history of the field and its relevance to mainstream criminology. It identifies the distinguishing characteristics of white-collar crime. Selected forms of white-collar crime are investigated. Methods of controlling white-collar crime, including civil, administrative, criminal justice and situational crime prevention techniques, are explored.

CJ6012 - Elective
Elective: Cyber Crime
Course: CJ6012 - Elective
Credit: 3

This course is designed to provide master’s level students with a broad introduction to the various types of criminal conduct associated with computers and the Internet. As a student in this class you will be exposed to techniques associated with digital forensics and will assess criminological theories of crime as they relate to digital crime and terrorism. Additionally, you will examine a number of the national and international laws and policies related to cybercrime including the diverse steps that have been taken to increase digital security around the globe. Familiarity with computers and the Internet will help you progress through the course, but expertise is not required nor expected.

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