Curriculum: Cancer Registry Management

Curriculum: Cancer Registry Management
30 - 43
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NCRA-Required Courses*

  • Medical Terminology (HCMT1001)
  • Anatomy & Physiology (BIOL1015)
  • Human Disease (ALH1015C)
  • Pharmacology (HCMT2000)
  • Healthcare Applications (HCMT 2015C)

*students who have not taken the NCRA-required courses can still enroll; contact your advisor for more information



A practicum is the final step of the Cancer Registry Program and is completed during the last two courses, HCMT2067 (Cancer Registry Practicum I) and HCMT2068 (Cancer Registry Practicum II). During the program, students will be required to satisfactorily complete all six NCRA assessments (along with corresponding activities) that cover the five core Oncology Data Specialist (ODS) competencies. Students will complete four of the six assessments before enrolling in the practicum courses. All six assessments must be successfully completed by the end of HCMT 2067 and HCMT 2068. HCMT 2067 and HCMT 2068 also include a variety of practicum activities that may be completed in an in-person, virtual, or hybrid environment.


Healthcare Applications and Computer Skills

One of the courses required for all Cancer Registry students is HCMT 2015 (Healthcare Applications). Students need proficient computer skills to succeed in the CRM program and pass the ODS exam. This is why we require all admitted students take a Computer Skills Test. This test gives students a chance to assess their knowledge of computer programs and systems commonly used in the cancer registry field.

Students that do not score an 80% or above on the Computer Skills Test are strongly encouraged to enroll in BIT 1013C (Intro to Software Applications) first, to get a more comprehensive overview of the programs that will be used in HCMT 2015. ​​Students that have transfer credit for three (3) credit hours of BIT 1013C (with a C- or higher) or HCMT 2015 will be exempt from the Computer Skills Test.


Course Title / Description Credit
Cancer Registry Structure and Management
Course: HCMT2060
Credit: 3
An introduction to the cancer registry and the cancer registrar profession. It will include the types of registries: central and hospital-based, legal and ethical standards, cancer registry management functions and operations.
Cancer Registry Operations
Course: HCMT2061
Credit: 3
Introduction to disease registry files, principles of abstracting, data set identification, and case ascertainment. It will focus on the Commission on Cancer, Cancer Program Standards as well as the cancer committee, cancer conferences, and quality monitoring. Emphasis will be placed on standard-setting organizations.
Cancer Registry Disease Coding and Staging
Course: HCMT2062
Credit: 3
An overview of oncology coding and staging systems (ICD-O-3, SSS2018, AJCC 8, SSDI Manual, STR Manual, Grade Coding Manual, and the Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Manual/DB) Focus on the oncology disease process, using principles from anatomy, physiology, and chemistry; coding clinical information from medical records; staging and extent of disease concepts used by physicians and cancer surveillance organizations; the rules used to determine the number of primaries
Oncology and Coding
Course: HCMT2063
Credit: 3
An overview of the historical development of coding systems and staging schemas will be reviewed. This course focuses on recognized coding and staging systems including ICD-0-3 Classification of Diseases, the Solid Tumor Rules Manual, AJCC Staging, Grade Coding Manual, SSDI, SEER Summary Staging, STORE manual, and other recognized coding standards and principles and practices of use in abstracting cancer data from the clinical record. Overview of oncology treatment and coding.
Abstracting Methods I
Course: HCMT2064
Credit: 3
Identification and selection of appropriate clinical information from medical records for capture on the abstract in a manner consistent with cancer registry regulatory core data requirements. Manual quality control edits of abstracted information to assure timeliness, completeness, and accuracy of data.
Follow-up, Data Quality, and Utilization
Course: HCMT2065
Credit: 3
The focus of this course is to examine follow-up methodology and processes used to obtain follow-up cancer information regarding disease status, recurrence information, subsequent treatment, and development of subsequent primary cancers. The use of follow-up information within the cancer registry and healthcare organization is also reviewed.
Cancer Registry Data Analysis and Quality Assurance
Course: HCMT2066
Credit: 3
Introduction to cancer statistics, internal and external reporting requirements, annual report preparation, use of comparative databases in data analysis, participation in special studies, presentation of cancer registry data, and usefulness of statistical cancer data in a healthcare organization.
Cancer Registry Practicum I
Course: HCMT2067
Credit: 3
This is the first of two clinical practicum classes. This course is a practicum in cancer registry operations for hands-on experience in all aspects of registry organization and operation. Supervised clinical experience in performing NCRA-required cancer information management competencies in an actual registry and/or simulated virtual setting. Non paid.
Cancer Registry Practicum II
Course: HCMT2068
Credit: 3
This is the continuation of Cancer Registry Practicum I. This course is a practicum in cancer registry operations for hands-on experience in all aspects of registry organization and operation. Supervised clinical experience in performing NCRA-required cancer information management competencies in an actual registry and/or simulated virtual setting. Non paid.
Abstracting Methods II
Course: HCMT2069
Credit: 3
Application of the principles of cancer registry abstracting. Identification, selection, and recording of appropriate cancer-related information consistent with regulatory requirement. Manual quality control edits of abstracted information to assure timeliness, completeness and accuracy of data.
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