Curriculum: Data Analytics Graduate Certificate

Curriculum: Data Analytics Graduate Certificate
12 Credit Hours
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The  Data Analytics Graduate Certificate at the University of Cincinnati includes four core courses (eight credits) and two elective courses (four credits).

Course Pre-requisites

  • BANA 7011 Intro to Data Analysis & Statistical Computing ( Required for non-STEM majors)
  • BANA 6043 (Statistical Computing) is a pre-requisite to BANA 7038
  • BANA 7046 is a pre-requisite to BANA 7047
  • IS 6030 is a pre-requisite to the following courses
    • IS 7032
    • IS 7036
    • IS 7034

Due to class offerings, individuals interested in this certificate as a standalone program should apply to the spring or fall semesters.

To learn more about our coursework, review a sample.

Please note that IS7030 is exclusively designed for students who wish to pursue a Master’s degree in Information Systems. All other students must enroll in IS6030. It is highly encourage you speak with your Student Success Coordinator to ensure your goals are aligned to your desired outcome in the Data Analytics certificate program.

Core Courses

Includes four core courses (eight credits). IS7030 is designated for students who wish to pursue a Master's degree in Information Systems. All other students must enroll in IS6030.

For more information about Core Courses reach out to your Student Success Coordinator.
Course Title / Description Credit
BANA 7038
Data Analysis Methods
Course: BANA 7038
Credit: 2
This course covers the fundamental concepts of applied data analysis methods. Various aspects of linear and logistic regression models are introduced, with emphasis on real data applications. Students are required to analyze data using major statistical software SAS and R. BANA 7038 should not be taken for credit by MS-Business Analytics students.
Business Intelligence
Course: IS7034
Credit: 2
The course introduces business intelligence for supporting business competition. It covers topics such as data warehousing, dimensional modeling, on-line analytic processing (OLAP), and data mining. Data warehouses have been created to store(archive) data from operational information systems so that it can be easily accessed. In the last 10 years, this new information technology has matured and found to be very useful in generating valuable control and decision-support business intelligence for many organizations in adjusting to their competitive business environment. As a result, there is now a fairly stable body of knowledge about the design, development, and operation of data warehouses, which students will learn in this course. The course will also cover OLAP and data mining, which are the most commonly used techniques for generating business intelligence (knowledge) from data warehouses.
IS 6030
Data Management
Course: IS 6030
Credit: 2
This course provides an introduction to the use and design of databases to store, manipulate and query data. The course introduces the structured query language (SQL) used to manage data. Students who complete this course should understand how to use SQL for basic data manipulation and queries. This course is intended for users of existing databases to extract needed information and should not be taken by MSIS students or those students who wish to learn detailed database design techniques.
IS 7030
Data Modeling
Course: IS 7030
Credit: 2
This course provides in-depth coverage of the principles of data modeling. Starting at the highest level of abstraction, the data requirements culled out from user requirements specification are rendered as a conceptual data model using Entity-relationship modeling grammar. Students then learn how to map the conceptual model to the logical tier using relational modeling grammar, in preparation for the ultimate database design. Workshop sessions are included to provide students hands-on modeling opportunities. A basic introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL) is also included.
BANA 6043
Statistical Computing
Course: BANA 6043
Credit: 2
This is a course on the use of computer tools for data management and analysis. The focus is on a few popular data management and statistical software packages such as SQL, SAS, SPSS, S Plus, R, and JMP although others may be considered. Data management and manipulation techniques including queries in SQL will be covered. Elementary analyses may include measures of location and spread, correlation, detection of outliers, table creation, graphical displays, comparison of groups, as well as specialized analyses.
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Students choose two elective courses (four credits).

Course Title / Description Credit
BANA 6037
Data Visualization
Course: BANA 6037
Credit: 2
This course provides an introduction as well as hands-on experience in data visualization. It introduces students to design principles for creating meaningful displays of quantitative and qualitative data to facilitate managerial decision-making.
BANA 6043
Statistical Computing
Course: BANA 6043
Credit: 2
This is a course on the use of computer tools for data management and analysis. The focus is on a few popular data management and statistical software packages such as SQL, SAS, SPSS, S Plus, R, and JMP although others may be considered. Data management and manipulation techniques including queries in SQL will be covered. Elementary analyses may include measures of location and spread, correlation, detection of outliers, table creation, graphical displays, comparison of groups, as well as specialized analyses.
BANA 7025
Data Wrangling
Course: BANA 7025
Credit: 2
This course provides an intensive, hands-on introduction to data management and data manipulation. You will learn the fundamental skills required to acquire, munge, transform, manipulate, and visualize data in a computing environment that fosters reproducibility.
BANA 7046
Data Mining I
Course: BANA 7046
Credit: 2
This is a course in the statistical data mining with emphasis on hands-on data analysis experience using various statistical methods and major statistical software (SAS and R) to analyze large complex real world data. Topics include: Data Processing. Variable Selection for linear regression and generalized linear regression. Out-of-sample Cross Validation. Generalized Additive models. Nonparametric smoothing methods. Classification and Regression Tree. Neural Network. Monte Carlo Simulation.
BANA 7047
Data Mining II
Course: BANA 7047
Credit: 2
This is a course in statistical data mining with emphasis on hands-on data analysis experience using various statistical methods and major statistical software (SAS and R) to analyze large complex real world data. Topics include: Missing Data Imputation, Bootstrapping, Boosting and Multiple Additive Regression Trees, Bayesian Trees, Support Vector Machine, Discriminant Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Factor Analysis, Principle Component Analysis.
BANA 8090
Special Topics in Business Analytics
Course: BANA 8090
Credit: 1-4
This course is used to explore topics of current interest in the BANA domain, that do not fall within the scope of any of the regularly scheduled courses. By the nature of the course, specific topics covered will vary with each offering.
IS 7032
Database Design
Course: IS 7032
Credit: 2
This course provides in-depth coverage of the principles of database design. It is a follow on to IS 7030. Having learned to develop relational data models in the first course, students start this course with concepts related to validating and revising the database design using normalization theory. This is followed by relational algebra and structured query language (SQL) for data definition (DDL), data manipulation(DML), data control (DCL), and deeper level of data querying (DQL) for the implementation of the database design. Finally, higher level normalization concepts are introduced. Workshop and laboratory sessions are included to provide hands-on learning experience in normalization procedures and SQL.
IS 7036
Advanced Business Intelligence
Course: IS 7036
Credit: 2
This course is designed for in-depth learning of BI concepts, including advanced dimensional modeling, data mining techniques, web mining, text mining, and BI 2.0. Students will apply and integrate the business intelligence knowledge from IS 7034 to implement a set of BI tools, such as ERWin, Teradata Data Warehouse Miner, and OLAP. This course also includes a case study and term project.
IS 8034
Big Data Integration
Course: IS 8034
Credit: 2
This course presents an overview of the principles of data integration, the fundamental basis for developing useful and flexible business intelligence platforms. Modern data integration needs differ from traditional approaches in four main dimensions that parallel differences between big data and traditional data: volume, velocity, variety, and veracity.
IS 8070
Special Topics in IS
Course: IS 8070
Credit: 1
This course is used to explore topics of current interest in the IS domain, that do not fall withinthe scope of any of the regularly scheduled courses. By the very nature of the course, specific topics covered will vary with each offering.
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