Curriculum: Medical Coder

Curriculum: Medical Coder
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Self-Paced and Customized Scheduling

Program can be customized to fit your schedule and pace. Part-time and Full-time options are available to all students. Program accepts students 3 time per year (Spring, Summer or Fall). Self-paced online orientation is required after acceptance in to the program.

Healthcare Applications and Computer Skills

Students that have transfer credit for three (3) credit hours of BIT 1013C with a C- or higher will be exempt from the Computer Skills Test. Students that have transfer credit for three (3) credit hours of HCMT 2015 will also be exempt from the Computer Skills Test and from retaking HCMT 2015.

Those that do not have transfer credit will take a Computer Skills Test during their online orientation to assess their knowledge of computer programs. Students that do not score an 80% or above on the Computer Skills Test are strongly encouraged to enroll in BIT 1013C (Introduction to Software Applications). Students that pass BIT 1013C will be more likely to succeed in HCMT 2015. BIT 1013C will give students a more comprehensive overview of computer programs that will be explored in more detail in HCMT 2015.


Course Title / Description Credit
ICD Medical Coding III
Course: HCMT1019C
Credit: 3
This course is a continuation of HCMT1018, and the coding of anatomical structures and body systems not covered in HCMT1018. The coding of basic diagnostic/procedural statements, case studies and redacted patient medical records will be performed.
Medical Terminology for the Health Professions
Course: HCMT1001
Credit: 3
This course is designed to introduce the student to medical terminology, including roots, prefixes,and suffixes, with emphasis on spelling, definition and pronunciation. The course consists of the basic rules for interpreting, constructing,and spelling medical terminology. The course includes common terminology, definitions and pronunciations for prefixes, suffixes, general body terms, and body system terminology. Each bodysystem lesson includes terms for anatomy, pathology, pharmacology, radiology, procedures, and tests. Emphasis is upon learning word roots, prefixes and suffixes and how they are combined toform medical words.
Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology
Course: BIOL1015
Credit: 3
Freshmen level course, 3 undergraduate credits. This course discusses the basic anatomy and physiology of the human body, basic current medical information on common clinical disorders encountered in the health field, the nomenclature used in describing anatomy, physiology, and disease of the human body, and the etymology of key terminology. This course is designed for students enrolled in programs of Emergency Medical Professions, Health Information Technology, Medical Assisting, and Human Services and Social Work. (Not for biology majors)
Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology Lab
Course: BIOL1015L
Credit: 1
This laboratory course accompanies Introduction toAnatomy and Physiology (BIOL1015). Activities provide a deeper and practical understanding of the basic principles of human anatomy and physiology. Many of the activities utilize laboratory simulation software. Topics include histology, blood analysis, skeletal muscle physiology, nerve impulse physiology, respiratory mechanics, chemical and physical properties of digestion, cardiovascular dynamics and endocrine physiology. This course was designed for students enrolled in Health Information Systems, Medical Assisting, Multi-Skilled Health Technology, and Emergency Medical Technology (not for biology or nursing majors). Co-requisite: BIOL1015.
Foundations of Pharmacology
Course: HCMT2000
Credit: 2
This course will introduce students to the names and uses of the major classes of drugs. The purpose of this course is to develop a foundation for health professionals on how drugs work, potential interaction, and risks and benefits of Rx drugs.
ICD Medical Coding I
Course: HCMT1017
Credit: 3
This course provides a comprehensive understanding and application of ICD-CM (International Classifications of Diseases - Clinical Modification). Official coding guidelines are used to accurately assign ICD-CM codes to diagnosis statements. Concepts related to accurate medical coding such as but not limited to sequencing, required medical documentation and provider queries. Medical documentation is reviewed for accuracy and completeness and assigned ICD-CM codes are evaluated for accuracy. Classification systems and registries are discussed and compared. Medical coder certifications are discussed as well as career opportunities and coding policies and procedures.
Health Information Ethics
Course: HCMT2012
Credit: 3
An overview course that focuses on the study of healthcare codes of ethics, patient’s bill of rights, medical malpractice cases, and legal and ethical issues for medical offices. The course will examine the concepts of privacy, security, confidentiality, healthcare legislation, and regulations relating to the maintenance and use of health information.
ICD Medical Coding II
Course: HCMT1018
Credit: 3
This course is a continuation of HCMT1017 and the coding of diagnoses of body systems not covered in HCMT1017. This course also provides a comprehensive understanding and application of ICD-PCS (International Classifications of Diseases -Procedure Coding System). Official coding guidelines are used to accurately assign ICD-PCS and ICD-CM codes to procedural and diagnostic statements. Medical documentation is reviewed for accuracy and completeness and assigned ICD codes, both diagnostic and procedural, are evaluated for accuracy.
Healthcare Applications
Course: HCMT2015C
Credit: 3
This course covers health information systems and their design, implementation, and application. Topics include spreadsheets, databases, electronic health records, data integrity, data modeling, and warehousing to meet departmental needs. Data dictionaries, data sets and the exchange of health information will also be covered.
CPT Medical Coding
Course: HCMT1010C
Credit: 2
Advanced Coding Applications
Course: HCMT2025C
Credit: 3
Advanced medical coding will be completed using ICD and CPT coding principles, conventions, and updates as they apply to accurate coding of complex medical/surgical cases with emphasis on case studies. This course will include the use of computerized encoders and groupers. Utilization review processes and objectives will be discussed and the use and application of clinical indicators and clinical documentation integrity concepts to improve the integrity of coded data will be demonstrated. Coding and documentation audits will be conducted, and coding education will be developed. A discussion and monitoring of Discharged Not Final Billed (DNFB) Reports will be conducted.
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