Curriculum: Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Healthcare Graduate Certificate

Curriculum: Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Healthcare Graduate Certificate
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Virtual Information Session

Listen in as program director Dr. Pankaj Desai discusses the Pharmacogenomics and Drug Development programs' curriculums, work-life balance, and online format.

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For the Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Healthcare Graduate Certificate, the curriculum includes a total of 15 required semester credit hours to satisfy requirements.

Course Title / Description Credit
Metabolism, Molecular Biology and Pharmacogenomics
Course: PSCI7103
Credit: 3
Basics of Cellular Metabolism, Molecular Biology and Pharmacogenomics. Provide the pharmacy student with foundational knowledge of cellular metabolism, biological information processing, and an introduction to pharmacogenomics.
Human Genetics
Course: PHGX8080
Credit: 2
Human Genetics is the root of pharmacogenomics. Students must be able to understand human genetics to fully grasp Pharmacogenomics as many inheritance patterns, genome organization, and clinical techniques depend on the human genome. Techniques used in human genetics will be integrated with principles and concepts presented during lecture.
Advanced Pharmacogenomics
Course: PHGX8090
Credit: 2
Advanced pharmacogenomics utilizes the basic understanding of pharmacogenomics and allows the students to expand upon their existing knowledge using pharmacokinetics and basic coding. The expansion of knowledge in pharmacogenomics allows the students to develop more sound hypotheses pertaining to scientific literature, while taking a deeper dive into how pharmacogenomics is used in research and development.
Cancer Genomics
Course: PHGX9000
Credit: 3
The science behind cancer genomics is growing at an exponential rate. Students should understand the not only the history of cancer genomics, technology, and targeted therapy, but also be able to adapt to new technology, clinical trial implications and newly approved diagnostics and therapies. This class provides the learner the ability to assess and implement the theory of techniques into real-world data.
Nutrition and Exercise Genomics
Course: PHGX9010
Credit: 3
This course provides not only the fundamentals in human macronutrient metabolism and its role in health and disease but also the genetics related to nutrition and athleticism. Just as Pharmacogenomics studies how drug therapy interacts with genes in the human body, nutrigenomics, and exercise genomics is the science of how food and training can impact the human body
Implementation Science
Course: PHGX9020
Credit: 2
Implementation Science is defined as the scientific study of methods to promote the systematic uptake of research findings and other evidence-based practices into routine practice, and, hence, to improve the quality and effectiveness of health services. In this class students will work across healthcare disciplines to solve multiple clinical case studies.
Career's in Pharmacogenomics
Course: PHGX9090
Credit: 1
This class has a wide variety of companies that will be presenting on the work they do. This class will provide an area for students to network with employers, to ask questions about the job market, and the learn what types of jobs are available to them.
Seminar in Drug Development
Course: PHDD8001
Credit: 1-2
The course requires the student to present a seminar on a contemporary issue in the developmentof drugs/biologicals/devices. Each student is expected to conduct an in-depth analysis on current issues in drug development and apply the best practices in making scientific presentations.
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Course: PHID8015
Credit: 3
This course provides students with the basic knowledge of Molecular Biology and technologies commonly used in Pharmaceutical Sciences. Emphasis is placed on the development of biological drugs andcell/animal models. Genome-wide techniques are discussed, particularly those related to disease development and response to drug therapy.
Biostatistics & Research Methods
Course: PCEU7010
Credit: 3
The course begins with basic statistical concepts, introduces essential descriptive and inferential statistical tests, demonstrates some data analysis tools and collection instruments, then discusses common research methodology for pharmaceutical and cosmetic sciences. Students will learn how to use statistics and research designs to evaluate scientific evidence to make individual and population-based decisions. Students will conduct some simple statistical analysis based on given data sets and interpret the results, as well review clinical research literature.
Clinical Application of Pharmacogenetics
Course: PHTH9140
Credit: 1
The course builds and expands on foundational topics of genetics and molecular biology that are taught to first year pharmacy students in the course of “Metabolism, Molecular biology and Pharmacogenomics”. Students will progressively learn how to apply pharmacogenetic knowledge to patient cases, integrating clinical and genomic data to drive clinical decisions. This course aims to provide student pharmacists with pharmacogenetic knowledge and enable them to use genomic data alongside other clinical data to optimize clinical care. In this course, students will review foundations of genetics and will be introduced to principles of population genetics and genomic medicine. The knowledge acquired will allow them to understand ethnic/racial differences of drug response. Students will be familiarized with logistics and important infrastructure for implementing pharmacogenetics in clinics. The course will focus on high evidence and clinically implemented gene-drug pairs.
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