Curriculum: Principal Licensure Endorsement

Curriculum: Principal Licensure Endorsement
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The Principal Licensure Endorsement takes 21 credit hours to complete and can be finished in a year.

Course Title / Description Credit
Educational Leadership Theory
Course: EDLD7035
Credit: 3
This course is designed to introduce the student to the theories and practices of educational leadership and organizational behaviors in school systems. Through a series of individual and collaborative activities, participants will begin to understand and appreciate the challenges faced by modern school leaders.
School Finance
Course: EDLD8034
Credit: 3
This is a general course focused on addressing thefinancing of public elementary and secondary education in the United States. The course examines current economic theories, sources of revenues, and trends in the fiscal structure and operations of public education. This course will present the implications of education finance policies as a public good for society. At completion of the course students will be able to manage the public school organization, operations,and resources to promote safe, efficient, and effective learning environments. Throughout this course, we shall discuss the investment of public moneys to society.
School Law
Course: EDLD8035
Credit: 3
This course offers an overview of legislative, executive, and judicial action pertaining to the education with a focus on: the rights of students;the rights of PreK-12 personnel; the responsibilities of school and state agency officials; due process hearings; gender equity andsexual harassment; race an international origin discrimination; legal problems of religious and private schools; search and seizure in schools; legal aspects of the formulation of policy in schools; complementary methods for examining legalissues in education; and recent developments in education law. This course also offers a survey offederal and state statutes, regulations, executiveagency opinions, and published research with respect to the rights of students and personnel and corollary responsibilities of school and stateagency officials, with a social justice approach. Additionally, this course examines a historical approach to meeting the needs of all students, embedded within the context of federal laws and policies. It also provides an overview of federal laws that mandate the success of students with varying social, emotional, and academic needs.
Curriculum Development and Data Analysis
Course: EDLD8036
Credit: 3
This course is intended to provide students with an understanding of basic principles and issues incurriculum planning, development, implementation, organization, and evaluation. This course focuses on social factors of curriculum, accountability needs, current research, and instructional leadership. This course emphasizes both the practical and theoretical understanding of these concepts. Instructional leaders are expected to beknowledgeable in principles and issues surroundingcurriculum as well as in various program evaluation measures and curriculum evaluation tools. Educational leaders must be confident in their ability to examine, explore, analyze, and utilize student level data to guide decision making and reform efforts in the school building. This ability is guided by the principles of understanding data management, interpretation, andstudent assessment.
Instructional Supervision
Course: EDLD8038
Credit: 3
Supervision of instruction holds great promise forimproving the entire educational process, including the quality of teaching and assessing student understanding of content. The development and implementation of high-level, rigorous, and relevant curriculum is at the center of supervision of instruction. Students will compare and contrast historical perspectives and models ofsupervision of instruction with new models for instructional supervision. An emphasis will be placed on supporting and building capacity with teachers to deliver better instruction and analyzedata on student achievement.
Principal Clinical Internship I
Course: EDLD7050
Credit: 1-3
Principal Clinical Internship I (PCI I) is the first of a two-course sequence that provides significant opportunities for students to engage in reflective practice as a building administratorand educational leader. The PCI I is planned, guided, and evaluated cooperatively by the student, the university professor, and the field site mentor who is a licensed, practicing buildingadministrator/educational leader. Students are expected to (1) become familiar with the roles andresponsibilities of the principal, (2) lead the planning, implementation, evaluation, and reporting of a project designed to improve education in a school, and (3) reflect upon her/his leadership, seeking meaningful improvementas an educational leader. During PCI, students engage in discussions with members of their cohort, keep a reflective journal and record hoursspent on their project. The professor will plan periodic conference calls, and/or personal phone calls, and/or visits with the student and his/her mentor to help guide the project and provide additional course oversight. The PCI I course covers the initial planning and placement in the project experience and continues with initial
Principal Clinical Internship II
Course: EDLD7051
Credit: 2-3
Principal Clinical Internship II (PCI II) is the second of a two-course sequence that provides significant opportunities for students to engage in reflective practice as a building administratorand educational leader. The PCI is planned, guided, and evaluated cooperatively by the student, the university professor, and the field site mentor who is a licensed, practicing buildingadministrator/educational leader. Students are expected to (1) become familiar with the roles andresponsibilities of the principal, (2) lead the planning, implementation, evaluation, and reporting of a project designed to improve education in a school, and (3) reflect upon her/his leadership, seeking meaningful improvementas an educational leader. During PCI, students engage in discussions with members of their cohort, keep a reflective journal and record hoursspent on their project. The professor will plan periodic conference calls, and/or personal phone calls, and/or visits with the student and his/her mentor to help guide the project and provide additional course oversight. The PCI II course begins as a continuation of PCI I, the implementation of the project, and ends with
Human Resources Administration in Education
Course: EDLD8032
Credit: 3
Education is a labor-intensive enterprise. Human resources administration is of central importance to school administration, because personnel are key to the achievement of the educational system'sgoals and objectives. How individuals are recruited, selected, evaluated, motivated, supervised, compensated, and assisted in their development influence their personal and professional performance and satisfaction. The focus of this course is in the human resource administration functions of recruitment, selection, induction, performance appraisal, supervision, motivation, compensation, professional development and separation.
Overview and Special Education Law
Course: SPED7001
Credit: 3
This course provides students a foundational understanding of the modern practices within special education. Students gain understanding by studying how the field has evolved throughout time. Information presented in this course is contextualized through various means including: understanding of human need, law/policy, and current research. From this course, students gain an initial understanding of the legal and ethical roles and responsibilities of a professional within the field of special education.
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