IT Professional Development


Professional Development for IT Students

At UC Online, we understand that there are other factors outside of the classroom that can assist in your preparation for your future career in Information Technology. As a student of the MSIT program you will have access to multiple support tools, specialized classes, and more. While these items are not required to receive your degree, they can aid in your path to find a career of your choosing.

In addition to your in-class experience, you will also receive support from:

The Faculty

Our professors are experts in their respective fields and have years of industry experience. Although you won’t meet face to face, our faculty are available to you for questions and to support you on your IT journey. If you are unsure about something, schedule some time to meet during your professor’s open office hours for a virtual discussion. Additional professional classes are made available to our students including:

PD 7010

This 1-credit hour class is offered, in addition to your IT curriculum, to aid in career preparation. In this class you will learn about IT job search strategies, employer connections, and practicum placement assistance. Gain the tools needed to set yourself apart from the competition.

“[PD 7010] gave me real world IT experience that I’ve been able to add to my resume as well by working with a local non- profit and helping them build their website. It was all about IT professional development and has probably been one of the best classes I’ve taken thus far to help me find a job as I get closer to graduation.”

The Staff

Our Student Success Coordinators will be your guide from enrollment all the way to graduation. Your coordinator will meet with you each semester to help you with any questions you may have about the courses and enrollment process. Get insights on scheduling and a better understanding of the classes you will be taking.

The Alumni

When you join the Master’s in IT program here at UC Online, you are also joining a network of alumni working in the field. Utilize social channels and other online platforms to network with alumni and make the connections needed to advance your career.

Your Peers

The program is 100% online but that does not prevent you from making connections and networking with your fellow students. The online platform makes discussion boards and communication easy. Our student base is diverse both in culture and experience. The curriculum is built with this in mind and provides an abundance of opportunities to work and learn from each other.  In addition to the classroom, you will have access to the MSIT Discord channel. This is a great space to communicate about classes but also general IT discussion and networking.

birds eye view of students working at a round table with laptops and study materials
Need additional student resources?
Already an online student? UC Online has additional tips and tricks to ensure you are on the path to success. Check out our Student Resources section for what you need to maximize your learning.
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Helping You Build a Better Business Through Continuing Education
Employee recruitment and retention is crucial for the growth and profitability of an organization and should be a high priority for every business. At the University of Cincinnati Online, we want to help develop and retain your employees through our Business Partnership offering.

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