Careers: Master of Health Administration (Executive) - MHA

Careers: Master of Health Administration (Executive) - MHA
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An Executive Master of Health Administration degree can open the door to numerous jobs for management and leadership roles in health care settings. Jobs in health administration provide professional satisfaction along with financial security.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary for health administrators in 2021 was $101,340 annually.

What can you do with an executive master’s in health administration?

An Executive Master of Health Administration (EMHA) degree opens the doors to a variety of jobs and leadership roles. These jobs include, but are not limited to:

  • Hospital Administrator:  Senior-level staff that oversee the management and quality of health care facilities.
  • Health Policy Advocates: Health policy experts advise and write policy, work with politicians, and advocate for health care policy reform.
  • Clinical Lead: Clinical leads can be nurses, doctors, or other clinical staff who coordinate and oversee a clinic or clinical team members to ensure effective delivery or patient care.
  • Pharmaceutical Administrator: Senior-level staff that oversee the operation and quality of pharmaceutical companies.
  • Director of Finance: Senior-level staff who provide financial leadership for health care facilities.
  • Operations Manager: Health care staff who provide management in controlling costs and improving quality of service provided to patients.
Occupation Median Wage Projected Growth
Chief Executives $206,680 -2%
Medical and Health Services Managers $110,680 9%
General and Operations Managers $101,280 2-4%

Program Outcomes

UC Executive Master of Health Administration (EMHA) Graduation Rates
3 months post graduation 2016-2019

Employment of Graduates 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023
Employed 61 66 54
Unemployed 5 2 0
Unknown 2 0 0
Total Graduates 68 68 54
Percent Employed 90% 97% 100%


UC Executive Master of Health Administration Stats

Status 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022
Entered Program 87 114 119 123 129 98 81 86 78
In Progress 0 0 4 0 1 1 1 21 68
Graduated 70 94 103 88 111 78 57 55
Withdrawn 17 20 16 35 17 19 23 10 10


UC Executive Master of Health Administration Stats Continued

Cohort # Admitted # of Current Students # of Graduates # of Withdrawn
2012-2013 54 0 47 7
2013-2014 87 0 70 17
2014-2015 114 0 94 20
2015-2016 119 0 103 16
2016-2017 123 0 88 35
2017-2018 129 1 111 17
2018-2019 98 1 78 19
2019-2020 81 1 57 23
2020-2021 86 21 55 10
2021-2022 78 68 10
Total 1069 117 757 195
The Executive MHA degree is great for those with experience in:
  • Physician/Doctor
  • Respiratory Therapy
  • Health Care Finance
  • Hospital Management
  • Human Resources
  • Information Systems
  • International Care Organizations
  • Marketing and Public Affairs
  • Nurse/Nurse Practitioner
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Material Management
  • Medical Staff Relations
  • Nursing Administration
  • Patient Care Services
  • Planning and Development
  • Public Health