Curriculum: Master of Science in Finance

Curriculum: Master of Science in Finance
30-38 credit hours
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For the Master of Science in Finance online, the curriculum includes 12 program courses (26 credit hours) and four elective hours.

Eight hours of Business Foundations courses can be waived with demonstrated previous undergraduate coursework and/or professional experience. To find out if you qualify, contact your Enrollment Advisor.

To learn more about our course offerings, review a sample of our curriculum.

Business Foundations Courses

Unless waived, all are required to take ACCT7000, ECON7000, BANA7011 and either MGMT7000 or MKTG7000.

Course Title / Description Credit
BANA 7011
Data Analysis
Course: BANA 7011
Credit: 2
Introduction to data analysis and statistical methods with focus on practical decisions using quantitative models in a spreadsheet environment. Topics include sources of data, descriptive and graphical statistical methods, probability, distributions, sampling and sampling distributions, estimation, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing. This course may not be used as an elective course for Lindner College of Business Master's programs.
ACCT 7000
Foundations in Accounting
Course: ACCT 7000
Credit: 2
This course educates students in the fundamentals of finance and accounting. The methods covered are used extensively throughout the MBA program. Topics include: the accounting process that results in the preparation of financial statements for external users, techniques for analyzing a basic set of financial statements, using accounting information to support management decisions, and using time value of money techniques to evaluate capital asset decisions. (MS Accounting students cannot earn credit by taking this course.)
FIN 7000
Foundations in Finance
Course: FIN 7000
Credit: 1
This course educates students in the fundamentals of Finance. A primary focus of the course is on using time value of money techniques to evaluate capital asset decisions.
ECON 7000
Foundations in Economics
Course: ECON 7000
Credit: 2
This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of economics at the graduate level for students without previous economics coursework. Students will be exposed to the essentials of both microeconomics and macroeconomics. Microeconomics topics to be discussed include the supply and demand mechanism,how markets are affected by regulation and taxation, costs of production, and how market structure affects outcomes. Macroeconomic topics to be discussed include the fundamental measures of the aggregate economy, the sources of economic growth, explaining short-run fluctuations in economic activity, and how government policies can affect these fluctuations. A particular focus will be to understand how fundamental economic principles at both the micro and macro level can affect companies, investments, industries, and national economies.
MGMT 7000
Course: MGMT 7000
Credit: 2
The purpose of this course is to provide students with a foundation in the study of Organizations (Management) in preparation for the MBA or MS program. The goal is to provide students with an introduction to the study of organizations (strategy, structure, design, and context) to help students navigate through the advanced graduate course work and to become a more effective manager. This entails understanding how organizations work as well as developing requisite personal skills in problem analysis and writing.
MKTG 7000
Marketing Foundations
Course: MKTG 7000
Credit: 1
The purpose of this course is to provide students with a foundation in Marketing. Concepts such as segmentation, targeting, positioning, customer and market analysis, and basic marketing planning will be introduced.
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Core Courses

All students must complete the following 10 courses (24 hours).

Course Title / Description Credit
BANA 6043
Statistical Computing
Course: BANA 6043
Credit: 2
This is a course on the use of computer tools for data management and analysis. The focus is on a few popular data management and statistical software packages such as SQL, SAS, SPSS, S Plus, R, and JMP although others may be considered. Data management and manipulation techniques including queries in SQL will be covered. Elementary analyses may include measures of location and spread, correlation, detection of outliers, table creation, graphical displays, comparison of groups, as well as specialized analyses.
FIN 7035
Financial Information and Valuation
Course: FIN 7035
Credit: 3
This course is about the analysis of financial information--particularly, but not limited to, a firm's financial statements--for making decisions about investing in a business. The primary focus is on equity (share) valuation, with some attention given to credit evaluation and the valuation of debt. The methods of fundamental analysis will be examined in detail.
FIN 7037
fixed income
Course: FIN 7037
Credit: 3
This course examines fixed-income markets, with an emphasis on the pricing and risk of fixed income securities, derivatives, and portfolios. Bond immunization and trading strategies will be discussed with an in-depth coverage of both Treasury and Corporate Debt Securities. We will explain how Federal Reserve uses monetary policy to influence the term structure of interest rates.This course helps students to establish a solid foundation in understanding fixed-income securities and furthermore to apply such knowledge to real-world investment decisions in bond markets.
FIN 7041
Course: FIN 7041
Credit: 2
This overview of investment analysis presents several views and approaches to equity valuation and decision making in today's markets. Students are encouraged to apply quantitative and economic analysis as well as firm valuation and market history to guide their decision process. Many of the concepts covered are covered in the body of knowledge leading to the CFA designation.
FIN 7042
Options and Futures
Course: FIN 7042
Credit: 3
The principal objective of this course is to provide a detailed examination of options, futures, forwards, and swaps. By the end of the course students will have a good knowledge of how these contracts work, how they are traded, how they are used, and how they are priced. A major emphasis in the class will be on how derivative instruments are used by financial institutions in light of recent economic events.
BA 7082
Special Topics in Business Administration
Course: BA 7082
Credit: 1
This seminar explores selected and timely topics in depth. Focus of this course will be publicized prior to each offering.
FIN 7084
MS FIN Capstone
Course: FIN 7084
Credit: 2
This course stresses the application of finance theory and methods to real business situations. While the focus of the project is finance related, a multi-disciplinary approach is desirable. A secondary objective of this course is to gain experience in collaborative teamwork to solve a business problem. All work in this course is team-based. You are required to work collaboratively and creatively with your team members to address the challenge presented. Peer evaluation and industry project coach’s evaluation of the team’s work is an important measure of your performance in this course.
FIN 7036
Advanced Financial Information and Valuation
Course: FIN 7036
Credit: 3
This course is a continuation of FIN7035 (Financial Information and Valuation) with more emphasis on cases and managerial accounting. This course is therefore about the analysis of financial information--particularly, but not limited to, a firm's financial statements--for making decisions about investing in a business. The primary focus is on equity (share) valuation, with some attention given to credit evaluation and the valuation of debt. The methods of fundamental analysis will be examined in detail.
FIN 7076
Finance Careers and Professional Development II
Course: FIN 7076
Credit: 1
The course is designed to assist MS Finance students in their job search and their understanding of the many facets of the finance profession. As well as gaining an understanding ofthe entry process into the finance profession, students will participate in a series of presentations and other activities to increase their understanding of the key areas of finance-corporate, investments, risk management, and real estate. A focus will be placed on particular segments of each area, such as: portfolio management, equity and fixed income analyst, private equity, risk management and insurance, financial planning, corporate finance. This course is designed to work with and complement BA 7077 Career Management, which focuses on the skills needed for a student to successfully complete a job search. Students will meet for one hour each week, with guest speakers from corporations and government attending many ofthe class sessions. The numerous career paths available to finance students will be mapped out so that students are aware of the options that areavailable to MS Finance students.
ECON 7011c
Econometrics for Finance
Course: ECON 7011c
Credit: 3
This is an introductory masters level course in econometrics emphasizing econometrics foundations and financial data analysis. The course covers topics in time series analysis with an emphasis on applications rather than econometric theory. The course is designed to enable students to perform independently comprehensive financial data analysis using statistical software packages.
BA 7077
Career Management
Course: BA 7077
Credit: 0-1
Designed for Graduate Business students to assist them in their job search. Covers such topics as your elevator speech, practice interviewing, resume construction and salary negotiations.
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Focus Area

Course Title / Description Credit
FIN 7045
Portfolio Management
Course: FIN 7045
Credit: 3
This course presents the mainstream and alternate view of portfolio management using research papers, articles, and materials from academics and the markets. Many of the concepts covered are covered in the body of knowledge leading to the CFA designation.
FIN 7062
Advanced Capital Budgeting
Course: FIN 7062
Credit: 2
An in-depth analysis of capital budgeting decisions. Topics covered include: estimation of the cost-of capital, issues in forecasting and valuing cash flows from projects, and the applications of real options to corporate capital budgeting decisions.
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Course Title / Description Credit

Students must select 3-4 hours of elective courses. These can be in the finance/real estate area or another graduate business course (e.g, management, accounting, business analytics). Courses outside of the finance/real estate area require permission of the academic director.





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