Careers: Master's in Respiratory Therapy

Careers: Master's in Respiratory Therapy
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The United States is currently witnessing a boom in demand for knowledgeable, qualified respiratory therapists. This need derives mainly from our aging population. As baby boomers move into retirement, we are seeing an increase in age-related health issues, including pulmonary conditions. Respiratory therapists are required to help patients cope with, recover from and find comfort with their conditions.

Another major cause stems from the poor air quality found in communities around the world. From cities in the United States to developing countries across the globe, a decline in air quality has resulted in an increase in lung-related health conditions. We rely on respiratory therapists to help fight these health issues.

The need for kind, caring respiratory therapists and health care professionals is clear. Today, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute estimates there are 12 million patients suffering from undiagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), as well as 12 million diagnosed patients.

Check out our latest blog about some of the exciting careers you can pursue with a Master’s in Respiratory Therapy!

By the numbers

“The rate of employment for respiratory therapists is expected to grow 23% from 2016 to 2026 — much faster than the overall average for all industries. Factors such as age and poor air quality are leading to an increased need for the profession."
Bureau of Labor Statistics
“As of May 2017, the median salary for respiratory therapists was $59,710. Qualified professionals who hold a bachelor’s degree and a leadership or management position may expect to earn a higher annual salary."
Bureau of Labor Statistics
“What I am learning and what I have learned is WELL worth the hard work and sacrifice of time and money. I am so excited to be part of the promotion of this field as well. I believe in our field, and I am an eager advocate for the requirement that all RTs hold a bachelor's degree.”

Danna W.
BS Respiratory Therapy