Careers: Master of Arts in Teaching – Special Education

Careers: Master of Arts in Teaching – Special Education
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Graduates of our online MAT—Special Education degree program are prepared to apply for licensure as a K-12 special education teacher and to go on to work as intervention specialists (teachers) in various K-12 education settings. These could include schools, hospitals, vocational training facilities, and other institutions providing educational services for individuals with disabilities. Some graduates of the MAT program also work in therapeutic settings or consulting and advocacy agencies.

Occupation Median Wage Projected Growth
Special Education Teachers, Elementary School $64,910 < 1%
Special Education Teachers, Kindergarten $64,910 < 1%
Special Education Teachers, Middle School $66,600 < 1%
Special Education Teachers, Secondary School $66,620 < 1%
Adapted Physical Education Specialists $67,190 2-4%

By the numbers

"Special Education Teachers with a master's degree on average earn 24 percent higher wages than bachelor's degree holders."
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
"42 states and Washington D.C. experienced special education teacher shortages in the 2022-23 school year, either in specific grades/special education areas or statewide. Furthermore, Ohio reported a statewide shortage of special education teachers in all grades from Pre-K to Grade 12 during the 2022-23 school year."
U.S. Department of Education
"The median annual salary for special education teachers is $61,030"
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics