Faculty: Master of Engineering in Robotics & Intelligent Autonomous Systems

Faculty: Master of Engineering in Robotics & Intelligent Autonomous Systems
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Community Learn From Nationally Renowned Faculty

As a student in the MEng in Robotics & Intelligent Autonomous Systems program, you will learn from dedicated educators and researchers. Faculty in the program are recognized globally for their commitments and expertise in the field.

Janet Jiaxiang Dong, PhD
Associate Professor
Email: [email protected]
Office: Rhodes Hall 494 2850 Woodside Dr.
Phone: 513-5565305

Manish Kumar, PhD
Email: [email protected]
Office: Rhodes 629
Phone: 513-556-5311

Ou Ma, PhD
Email: [email protected]
Office: Rhodes 720
Phone: 513-556-3747

Massoud (Max) Maxwell Rabiee, PhD
Email: [email protected]
Office: Rhodes 822
Phone: 513-556-6559

Christopher (Chris) Wicker, PhD
Adj Asst Professor
Email: [email protected]
Office: Baldwin
Phone: 513-427-5103

Moise Cummings, MS
Asst Professor
Email: [email protected]
Office: Baldwin
Phone: 513-556-3632

Ralph Brueggemann, PhD
Adj Professor
Email: [email protected]
Office: Baldwin 665
Phone: 513-871-8477

Ralph Brueggemann

Ralph Brueggemann

Ralph Brueggemann
Ralph Brueggemann
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Moise Cummings

Moise Cummings

Assistant Professor - Practice
Moise Cummings
Moise Cummings
Assistant Professor - Practice
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Mehdi Norouzi

Mehdi Norouzi

Associate Professor Educator
Mehdi Norouzi
Mehdi Norouzi
Associate Professor Educator
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Massoud Maxwell Rabiee

Massoud Maxwell Rabiee

Massoud Maxwell Rabiee
Massoud Maxwell Rabiee
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Anca Ralescu

Anca Ralescu

Anca Ralescu
Anca Ralescu
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David Thompson

David Thompson

Associate Professor
David Thompson
David Thompson
Associate Professor
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  • Mohamed Abuali

    , Instructor - Adjunct
  • Usman Akram

  • Ken Baker

  • Anirudh Chhabra

  • Mina Gabriel

  • Jon Lockhart

  • Bruce McFall

  • Sid Thatham

  • Christopher Wicker

    , Adjunct Assistant Professor