Every online instructor has slightly different expectations for coursework, time commitment, student participation and the use of online tools. Understanding what’s expected of you, grading policies, and how to participate in your course(s) can reduce stress and improve online learning.

Tips to help you be the best student you can be:

  • Login on the first day of class and get familiar with the course layout
  • Read through the Syllabus – This is where you will get a better understanding of course objectives and what is expected of you as the student.
  • Once you have read your course syllabus, contact your instructor if you are still unsure as to his/her level of expectation.
  • Did they provide their contact information? Save the information in a safe and easy place to access
  • Email or online office hours are a great way to get your questions answered.
  • Do not wait! Understanding your instructor’s expectations before the start of the course will get you started on the right track.
  • Communicate effectively with respect, transparency and using proper netiquette!

Using Proper Netiquette

Common courtesy and appropriate behavior in everyday life is referred to as etiquette. Appropriate behavior online is known as Netiquette. The key to netiquette is to remember that the people with whom you are communicating cannot see you, read your body language or hear the tone of your voice.  No one can tell if you are smiling, scowling, or just joking. Therefore, it is important to be professional and courteous when communicating online.