Faculty: Bachelor of Science in Substance Abuse Counseling

Faculty: Bachelor of Science in Substance Abuse Counseling
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Community Learn From Nationally Renowned Faculty

Michael Brubaker
Professor, Counseling
Associate Director, School of Human Services
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Andrea Barker

Andrea Barker

Instructor - Adjunct
Andrea Barker
Andrea Barker
Instructor - Adjunct
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Ami Crowley

Ami Crowley

Ami Crowley
Ami Crowley
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Andrea Kaufman

Andrea Kaufman

Andrea Kaufman
Andrea Kaufman
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Erin Knape

Erin Knape

Erin Knape
Erin Knape
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Kaitlyn Knoll

Kaitlyn Knoll

Kaitlyn Knoll
Kaitlyn Knoll
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Stephanie Merrilees

Stephanie Merrilees

Stephanie Merrilees
Stephanie Merrilees
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Megan Mueller

Megan Mueller

Instructor - Adjunct
Megan Mueller
Megan Mueller
Instructor - Adjunct
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Laura Nabors

Laura Nabors

Laura Nabors
Laura Nabors
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Amy Ross

Amy Ross

Amy Ross
Amy Ross
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Alisa Strauss

Alisa Strauss

Adjunct Assistant Professor
Alisa Strauss
Alisa Strauss
Adjunct Assistant Professor
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Lisa Strudgeon

Lisa Strudgeon

Lisa Strudgeon
Lisa Strudgeon
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Amy Weber

Amy Weber

Amy Weber
Amy Weber
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Stephanie Wyler

Stephanie Wyler

Assistant Professor - Adjunct Rep
Stephanie Wyler
Stephanie Wyler
Assistant Professor - Adjunct Rep
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  • Andrew Yockey

  • Campbell Zwierzchowski