Curriculum: Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy

Curriculum: Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy
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The BS in Respiratory Therapy is a completely online program that trains students in all the necessary skills, knowledge and technical expertise required for Respiratory Therapists to advance their careers including management opportunities, graduate school, and specialized clinical practice.

Core Courses: 28 credits, Advanced Courses: 22 credits

All core courses must be completed prior to enrolling in advanced courses

Accelerated Option

For students who plan to continue on to our MSRT (Master of Science in Respiratory Therapy) program, there is an accelerated option that allows students to take some of their core MSRT courses before they graduate with their BSRT.  This allows students to start their graduate degree while still paying the undergraduate rate for classes.  For more information, reference the PDF by clicking on the button below.


Core Courses

Course Title / Description Credit
RSTH 3001
Community Health Problems and Practices
Course: RSTH 3001
Credit: 3

This course focuses on determinants of the health of individuals and the challenges faced by communities as they work to improve the health of their residents. Students develop plans to maximize the use of community resources to address both acute and chronic respiratory conditions.

RSTH 3002
Healthcare Documentation and Communication
Course: RSTH 3002
Credit: 3

This course is designed to improve writing competence as a healthcare leader, clinician or educator. Focus is on the construction, evaluation and organization of written communication in the healthcare setting with an emphasis on Respiratory Therapy. Topics include: written medical documentation; article and proposal writing, using APA style for citations and references; patient education materials; etc. Students also review the basics of clear communication, both written and oral.

RSTH 3004
Integration of Delivery of Respiratory Therapy
Course: RSTH 3004
Credit: 3

The course provides students with an overview of how the healthcare system works in the United States. Specifically, the focus of the course is the role of the respiratory therapist within the healthcare system. The differences between public and private healthcare insurance are evaluated throughout the course. Students gain insight into healthcare from both a clinical and management aspect. The course provides the student with the tools to function more efficiently as part of an integrated healthcare team.

RSTH 3010
Caregiving in the Respiratory Therapy Professions
Course: RSTH 3010
Credit: 3

This course develops expertise in the science and art of caregiving from the perspective of the healthcare professional. Students study age-specific care issues, culturally specific caregiving, compassion fatigue, family interaction and family-centered care, and death and dying. Caregiving issues directly related to patients with respiratory disease will be emphasized.

RSTH 3040
Management in Respiratory Therapy
Course: RSTH 3040
Credit: 3

This course focuses on the basics of healthcare management, including budgeting and financial management, data management, managing in clinical settings, and resource utilization. Respiratory Therapy students learn how to assess healthcare information systems and database management systems.

RSTH 3050
Aging and Respiratory Therapy
Course: RSTH 3050
Credit: 3

This course provides Respiratory Therapy students with an introduction to the interdisciplinary field of gerontology. Topics include theories of aging, health and illness in later life, diversity and aging, and bio-psycho/social and spiritual aspects of growing old. Respiratory Therapy content includes the biology of aging on lung function and working with older patients with multiple impairments.

RSTH 3065
Disease Management/Patient Education
Course: RSTH 3065
Credit: 3

Students in this course will learn to communicate with patients regarding their disease state. By developing a detailed knowledge of respiratory disease and treatment options, future practitioners will be prepared to counsel and advise patients on how to deal with their disease through the use of diet, exercise, medication regimes, etc.

RSTH 3080
Mid-Collegiate Interprofessional Touch Point Conference
Course: RSTH 3080
Credit: 0

This course will focus on the basics of healthcare management, including budgeting and financial management, data management, managing in clinical settings, and resource utilization. Respiratory Therapy students will learn how to assess healthcare information systems and database management systems.

RSTH 4060
Research Method and Analysis
Course: RSTH 4060
Credit: 9

Students review basic statistical models and inference applied to problems in healthcare, with an emphasis on Respiratory Therapy. Students also develop an understanding of research protocols and evaluation, critically analyze research data, and develop skills in interpreting and analyzing quantitative and qualitative research in Respiratory Therapy. Topics include IRBs and clinical trials.

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Advanced Courses

Course Title / Description Credit
RSTH 4001
Research Methods & Analysis
Course: RSTH 4001
Credit: 5
Students will review basic statistical models and inference applied to problems in health care, with an emphasis on Respiratory Therapy. Students will develop an understanding of research protocols and evaluation, critically analyze research data, and develop skills in interpreting and analyzing quantitative and qualitative research in Respiratory Therapy. Topics will include IRBs and clinical trials. By completing this course, students will be prepared to write an abstract, develop a proposal, and be capable of undertaking a significant research project.
RSTH 4030
Alternative Practices and Current Trends in Respiratory Care
Course: RSTH 4030
Credit: 4
A study of the Respiratory Therapist role in other healthcare areas and an analysis of current administrative, legal, regulatory, professional issues, and current trends which influence the Respiratory Care Profession.
RSTH 4050
Course: RSTH 4050
RSTH 4070
Respiratory Therapy Specialty I w/ Observation
Course: RSTH 4070
Credit: 3
An internship that will focus on specialty disciplines within respiratory therapy that potentially will foster an interest for the student to sit for one of NBRC or its affiliates specialty exams (NPS, CPFT, RPFT, SDS, ACCS, or AE-C). The course is designed to promote interest for RRTs in the specialty practices of respiratory therapy. The internship design and placement will be determined by the interest area of the student (neonatal, pediatrics, sleep disorders, asthma, diagnostics, or critical care). The students will complete 20 hours of observation in their chosen specialty of respiratory therapy. The observation can be performed at the student’s place of employment as long as it is a specialty area in which the students does not currently work and during non-working hours. Paid work time cannot count as observation time. The program director will help the student arrange an alternate observation site other than the site of employment within close proximity to where the student lives if necessary. In addition to other assignments, the student will develop a comprehensive reflective journal detailing their experiences as the final project for the course.
RSTH 4075
Respiratory Therapy Specialty II
Course: RSTH 4075
Credit: 3
Registered Respiratory Therapist can practice in expanded respiratory care areas that require additional training, education, credentials, and knowledge that goes beyond what is taught in an introductory respiratory care program. This course will focus on the expanded roles that Respiratory Therapists can take beyond traditional in-patient hospital care. Students will identify the benefits of these expanded roles and how these roles impact patient care.
RSTH 5001
Respiratory Therapy Capstone
Course: RSTH 5001
Credit: 3
This culminating course will enable senior-level Respiratory Therapy students to develop a proposal and complete a project or research paper based upon one of their areas of interest (Disease Management, Leadership and Project Management, or Education and Research). Presentations of completed papers or projects will be delivered by the student to selected Respiratory Therapy managers/specialists at a pre-determined site.
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