Lifelong Learner Earns Third Degree with Plans to Continue

Lifelong Learner Earns Third Degree With Plans to Continue

Carlo Torres is a husband and father of four with a few decades of work and learning behind him. When he decided to pursue a third degree in UC Online’s MBA program, he knew he would have to fit it in around his other priorities.

Lifelong Learner

The rock-climbing enthusiast from Los Alamos, NM says he values education, and it shows. He expresses how proud he is to have earned two (soon to be three) degrees, plus a certification. Torres says he earned his undergraduate degree in Business Administration Management close to home at New Mexico State University.

He explains how he continued his learning from there. “I obtained certification as a Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD) and my first graduate degree from the University of Alabama in Construction Engineering and Management.”

The Online Experience

Carlo discussed deciding on a school to further continue his education, saying, “I chose UC for my MBA because I wanted variety in my educational background.” As a side note, he adds, “And also because they waived the business school entrance exam (GMAT).”

Torres, who spent 15-20 hours per week on his MBA, enjoyed the convenience and flexibility of UC Online’s program. He says, “It’s great to be able to work from home and schedule my time to fit everything else around school.”

Words of Wisdom

For those who are considering applying and enrolling, he shares his best piece of advice for thriving in an online MBA program. “It can be difficult being online if you’re distanced from the local cohort. Find an online community and chat with classmates as much as possible to avoid feeling disconnected.”

Professional Impact

The Solutions Architect currently works for Advanced Network Management and shares how his online education has been valuable on the job. “Learning accounting principles and how to best apply them to my work process has been helpful.”

And his progress has even taken him by surprise. He says, “I’m beginning to feel that I have an aptitude for accounting. I perform a lot of project estimating and now I can produce graphs relating to unit prices for customers so they can better understand.”

Torres has a long-term goal in mind, but in the short term, he’s looking forward to being in a position to earn a promotion after he graduates from the MBA program. And he’s not done learning yet. “Currently I’m also pursuing certifications to help bolster my education.” Eventually, he says, he wants to advance to a director role.

Ready to discover the impacts an MBA from UC Online can have on your career? Explore everything our program has to offer.

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