Curriculum: Data-Driven Cybersecurity Certificate

Curriculum: Data-Driven Cybersecurity Certificate
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Students graduating from this certificate program will be able to merge cybersecurity concepts and data analytic solutions. Students will receive a dedicated graduate certificate upon successful completion of the program.

For students interested in IT: All twelve graduate credits earned in the certificate are transferable into the Master of Science in Information Technology (MS IT) and Ph.D. in Information Technology degrees.

Required Courses

Course Title / Description Credit
Principles of Cybersecurity
Course: IT7020C
Credit: 3
This course introduces students to the field of cybersecurity by discussing the evolution of information security into cybersecurity, cybersecurity theory, and the relationship of cybersecurity to nations, businesses, society, and people. Students will be exposed to multiple cybersecurity technologies, processes, and procedures, learn how to analyze the threats, vulnerabilities and risks present in these environments, and develop appropriate strategies to mitigate potential cybersecurity problems.
Data Driven Cybersecurity
Course: IT7075C
Credit: 3
In today enterprise networks the challenge of a cybersecurity analyst is not lack of data for analysis, but too many data from too many network sources. Visualizing and analyzing vast amount of data from cyber space is a critical skill for protecting data network. This course explores different types of network data from text-based log files to complex and proprietary binaries. Students will have hands-on practice using scripting languages and software tools to visualize and process network data and identify threats and malicious activities on networks. This course intends to convert cybersecurity challenges into data science challenges that can be solved using modern data science techniques such as modern data visualization and machine learning programming libraries.
Enterprise Security and Forensics
Course: IT7021C
Credit: 3
This course is designed to provide students with the advanced concepts needed to establish network security strategies to ensure adequate protection for the organization's environment and yet provide accessibility for its community.
Machine Learning and Data Mining for IT
Course: IT7071C
Credit: 3
This course introduces machine learning and data mining techniques. The course focuses on using applied methods and software tools to discover hidden patterns or identify anomalies in the data generated in modern IT networks.
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