Faculty: Doctor of Clinical Laboratory Science

Faculty: Doctor of Clinical Laboratory Science
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First Cohort for New Students

The application for the DCLS is not yet open. The first students will be able to apply for the Fall 2025 cohort. Reach out to our Enrollment Services Team with questions!

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Dr. Tille has over 30 years of laboratory experience from bench tech, lab manager and technical specialist to a university professor, program director and administrator. In addition to her microbiology and molecular diagnostics expertise, Dr. Tille has worked with a variety of University and Hospital MLS programs to develop state of the art curriculum, program reviews, accreditation, and implementation at the Assoc., Bachelors, and graduate levels. In addition, she is a three-time National Cardinal Health UR Essential recognized laboratory professional and has received multiple accolades from ASCLS, including professional achievement in microbiology twice and molecular diagnostics. As of 2024, Dr. Tille is now president of ASCLS and will remain president until 2025. She was most recently chosen as the ASCLS National Recipient of the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award in 2022. She currently chairs the Microbiology Advisory Committee and is the Editor in Chief of the International Journal for the International Federation of Biomedical Laboratory Science. Dr. Tille is also the author of the internationally recognized Diagnostic Microbiology Textbook, Bailey and Scott’s by Elsevier. Professor Tille, currently serves as the director for the Master’s in Medical Laboratory Science Leadership and Doctorate of Clinical Laboratory Science Programs Director for the University of Cincinnati.