Curriculum: Computer Technology Endorsement

Curriculum: Computer Technology Endorsement
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The Computer Technology Endorsement program here at UC Online is designed for students to take two courses in the fall, and one-two courses in the spring and summer semesters (to complete the endorsement in one academic year).

Course Title / Description Credit
IDT 7100
Designing Online Assessments for Data-Driven Decisions
Course: IDT 7100
Credit: 3
Data is at the core of educational reform and should be used to inform teaching practice. The purpose of this course is to design assessments that allow instructors to make data-driven decisions to improve their instruction. It will include the evaluation and comparison of currently employed measures of assessment in online environments for their effectiveness in evaluating learner progress and underlying instructional methods. The course will cover the continuous improvement cycle of online assessments. Beginning with backward design, students will learn how to align learning outcomes, learning activities, and online assessments. Based on intended learning outcomes, students will design a variety of formative and summative assessments and learn how to use technology to improve the quality of those assessments. Finally, students will analyze the data generated from these assessments to create an instructional plan to improve student learning, enhance their instructional activities, and make adjustments to the assessments.
SPED 7052
Universal Design for Learning
Course: SPED 7052
Credit: 3
This course provides an overview of how the principles of Universal Design for Learning can be used to design online and blended learning experiences that meet the needs of diverse learners including those who are accelerated and those who are struggling for a variety of reasons. Special attention will be given to integrating technologies, such as Generative AI, multimedia, and other digital tools, that support student engagement, authentic learning, and general accessibility supports.
IDT 7130
Applications and Issues of Teaching with Technology
Course: IDT 7130
Credit: 3
This course provides an overview of the increasingly complex array of digital media and technology-based resources available for use in blended and online environments. Students will apply theory to practice to truly redefine lessons to enhance learning through technology. Students will also learn practical skills, ranging from facilitation skills needed to manage a technology-based class to troubleshooting technology problems.  The course also explores burning issues surrounding educational technology such as inequalities and accessibility issues, technology distractions, internet safety, and other ethical issues. It also examines the disruptive innovation of Generative AI on teaching and learning.
IDT 7180
Learning Technology Professional Experience
Course: IDT 7180
Credit: 3
This course is a professional experience for master's students in Instructional Design and Technology. The intern works 7-8 hours per week in a school, non-profit organization, or corporation to gain real-world experience in the field of Instructional Design and Technology.
IDT 7115
Innovation and Technology Integration
Course: IDT 7115
Credit: 1
This 1 credit experiential course offers learners hands-on experiences with innovative educational technology tools and practices. We will examine how innovation is changing the way we learn and teach and the challenges to integrating new technologies and practices into a range of learning environments. Topics change regularly to adapt to current educational technology trends.
IDT 7125
Professional Learning Certifications in Instructional Design and Technology
Course: IDT 7125
Credit: 1
Build you professional certification skillset by working together with other practitioners. In this 1 credit course, select a professional certification that will add value to and support your career goals in the field of education and instructional design. Evaluate the value of professional certifications and the ways the skills gained can support learners and colleagues in the field. Learn to use certifications to gain the data, tools, and perspectives necessary to improve your practice and inform future technology integration decisions. We will focus on selecting and completing a certification and sharing what you learned by leading a training for colleagues or students. Can be taken up to 3 times.
IDT 7135
Applications of Design in eLearning
Course: IDT 7135
Credit: 1
This 1 credit hour course offers a deep dive into visual design best practices aligned with learning theory. We will use a learner-centered approach to evaluating the visual design of a range of digital learning objects, examining how visual design affects memory and learning. Design projects will give students the opportunity to apply best practices to digital storytelling, digital presentation materials, and the design of live remote learning experiences.
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