Below are the important dates you’ll need to know to get enrolled in the MS in Geographic Information Systems. Have questions? Speak to an Enrollment Services Advisor to assist you during your application process to get started today! Courses at UC Online are taught by the same professors as the on-campus programs.
The University of Cincinnati is a premier research institution located in Cincinnati, Ohio. For nearly 20 years UC has had delivered distance learning programs to it’s students. The University of Cincinnati and all of it’s regional campuses are accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.
We are ranked # 1 in Ohio and #16 nationally as an online degree leader by
Here are some estimated salaries based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics:
These jobs have an average growth rate of 7% over the next 10 years.
According to these are the types of jobs you can typically get with an MS in GIS are as follows;
According to the market growth rate over the next 10 years in Geographic Information Systems is 11.6%. Companies are investing in this type of technology in a wide variety of industries
Additional resources to support you from start to finish.
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