Faculty: Master of Science in Geographic Information Systems

Faculty: Master of Science in Geographic Information Systems
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Learn how having both a professional certificate in GIS and a Master's degree can help you in salary negotiations. Read this blog we put together with Kelly Wright, a GIS Analyst in Ohio.

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Meet Jeffrey L. Brewer, the program director for the Master’s in Geographic Information Systems at University of Cincinnati Online. Since 2017, Jeffrey has been an Assistant Professor-Educator in the Department of Geography & GIS at the University of Cincinnati. His extensive research spans urban sustainability, historical geography, and archaeology, with a particular focus on sustainable water management in subtropical regions. Jeffrey’s interdisciplinary approach explores the cultural geographies of food and sport, including the geospatial dynamics of craft breweries and urban cycling networks. With a Ph.D. in Geography from the University of Cincinnati, Jeffrey is dedicated to advancing the understanding of human-environment relations and urban landscapes. As Program Director, he brings a wealth of experience and expertise to guide students through the dynamic field of Geographic Information Systems.

Master of Science in GIS Faculty

The faculty displayed below are actively teaching MS GIS online students in the current semester. This is list is subject to change. If you’d like to learn more about a faculty member, click their name to go to a profile.

Kevin Raleigh

Department Head
Associate Professor Educator
Email: [email protected]
Interests: Urban-economic geography, political geography, and quantitative techniques




Lin Liu

Graduate Director
Co-Director of GIS Center
Email: [email protected]
Interests: GIS, geographic visualization, quantitative methods, location analysis, crime mapping and analysis, and Geo-simulation.





Professor Xi Chen UC Online

Xi Chen

Associate Professor
Email:  [email protected]
Xi’s education and experience encompass a deep understanding of water resources, environmental studies and modeling, and physical geography. He earned his doctorate in environmental engineering in 2014.





Diego Cuadros

Associate Professor
Email: [email protected]
Interests: Medical and health geography, GIS applications in epidemiology, environmental studies, mathematical modeling of infectious diseases, host-pathogen and pathogen-pathogen interactions, health economics assessment





Changjoo Kim

Associate Professor
Email: [email protected]
Interests: Geographic Information Science, Urban Transportation, Networks, Location Analysis, Spatial Modeling addressing theoretical and practical questions in urban and economic geography through the application of GIS methods.





Robert South
Email: [email protected]
Interests: Regional economic development, industrial location, Latin America







Tomasz Stepinski

Thomas Jefferson Chair Professor
Email: [email protected]
Interests: Space Informatics, planetary geomorphology, land change science, remote sensing, GIS