The Master of Science in Cosmetic Science program offers courses designed to provide the know-how to develop cosmetic and personal care products that delight consumers and improve quality of life. Topics include the physiology and pharmacology of pertinent therapeutic or benefit systems of skin and hair, and those associated with approved OTC drug categories.
Courses also cover the physical, biophysical, colloidal, and interfacial chemistry and formulation science of skin, hair, cosmetic, and OTC drug products. Additional topics addressed in course offerings include:
Students may also take advantage of one-week, hands-on laboratory formulation sessions at the University of Cincinnati.
The MS in Cosmetic Science program is usually completed in 6 to 9 semesters, or 2 to 3 years, based on an average course load of 2 classes per semester.
For the MS in Cosmetic Science program, a grade-point average (GPA) of at least 3.00 or foreign equivalent is recommended.
Requirements include:
Please visit the Admissions Requirements page for more information.
Additional resources to support you from start to finish.
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