Curriculum: Master of Science in Cosmetic Science

Curriculum: Master of Science in Cosmetic Science
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The Master of Science in Cosmetic Science program offers courses designed to provide the know-how to develop cosmetic and personal care products that delight consumers and improve quality of life. Topics include the physiology and pharmacology of pertinent therapeutic or benefit systems of skin and hair, and those associated with approved OTC drug categories.

Courses also cover the physical, biophysical, colloidal, and interfacial chemistry and formulation science of skin, hair, cosmetic, and OTC drug products. Additional topics addressed in course offerings include:

  • Experimental design and statistical evaluation
  • Product evaluation techniques (in vitro and clinical), including stability evaluations
  • Cosmetic microbiology
  • Consumer research
  • US FDA cosmetic and drug regulations
  • Product development approaches

Students may also take advantage of one-week, hands-on laboratory formulation sessions at the University of Cincinnati.

  • Cosmetic Science Lab
  • Cosmetic Color Science Lab
  • Fragrance Science Lab

Required Courses

Course Title / Description Credit
PCEU 7005
Pharmaceutical Sciences Journal Club
Course: PCEU 7005
Credit: 1
The course involves the reading and discussion of published or unpublished scientific research in arena relevant to the student's graduate studies. Many of the discussions will be student-led. The literature review sessions may be supplemented with scientific presentations by students, faculty visiting scientists.
PCEU 7050
Ethics in Scientific Research- Pharmacy
Course: PCEU 7050
Credit: 1
Students will learn about the various ethical and moral issues that are often encountered in scientific research including ways to identify and analyze them in the practice of research. The course is designed as an option to meet the NIH and NSF requirements for training in RCR (Responsible conduct of research). Topics to be covered include: RCR principles and guidelines, mentorship, collaborative research, conflict of interests, authorship and plagiarism, intellectual property and data handling, research involving human and animal subjects, scientific integrity and misconduct and social responsibility.
PCEU 7010
Biostatistics & Research Methods
Course: PCEU 7010
Credit: 3
The course begins with basic statistical concepts, introduces essential descriptive and inferential statistical tests, demonstrates some data analysis tools and collection instruments, then discusses common research methodology for pharmaceutical and cosmetic sciences. Students will learn how to use statistics and research designs to evaluate scientific evidence to make individual and population-based decisions. Students will conduct some simple statistical analysis based on given data sets and interpret the results, as well review clinical research literature.
PCEU 8051
Skin, Hair, and Oral Products
Course: PCEU 8051
Credit: 3
The class is designed to provide a practical overview of the formulation approaches used for cosmetic and selected OTC drug products broadly intended for use in skin care, hair care, and oral care, including stability and performance evaluations. Sufficient background information regarding the anatomy and physiology of the skin and associated appendages, the hair, and the oral cavity as well as solution and colloid (emulsion) chemistry will be provided for appropriate understanding of the contexts of the formulation approaches. In addition, an overview of pertinent FDA regulations regarding cosmetic and OTC products will be included as well as descriptions of the development processes for these products, record keeping, and intellectual property protection.
PCEU 8110
Introduction to Skincare and Haircare Science
Course: PCEU 8110
Credit: 2
Lectures and homework assignments covering basic skin and hair structure, properties of skin and hair, basic biophysical methods for evaluation of skin, basics of topical delivery, basics of hair growth, introduction to product technologies for skin cleansing, skin care, hand hygiene and hair care technologies and an intro to skin disease states.
PCEU 8024
Introduction to Surface, Colloid and Membrane Science
Course: PCEU 8024
Credit: 2
This introductory course will focus on fundamentals underpinning cosmetic formulations including wetting, spreading, contact angle, surface excess and adsorption, interfacial and solution chemistry of surfactants, surface tension, micellization, mixed surfactant systems, silicone surfactants, basic rheology, polymers and polyelectrolytes, silicone polymers, foams, foam stability and rheology, solid-liquid interface and an intro to bilayers and stratum corneum membrane.
PCEU 8025
Advanced Surface, Colloid, and Formulation Science
Course: PCEU 8025
Credit: 2
This course will focus on fundamentals underpinning creation, characterization and stability of complex fluids with multiphase systems. Topics covered will include the following: Phase behavior of surfactants and phase diagrams, polymer-surfactant and protein surfactant interactions, Emulsifiers and emulsification including various types of emulsions such as micro- nano- and mini-emulsions, DLVO theory of colloidal stability, Hansen solubility parameter, partitioning and release of actives in multicomponent systems.
PCEU 8180
Cosmetic Science Capstone I
Course: PCEU 8180
Credit: 2
This course is the first of a three-course sequence (Cosmetic Science Capstone I, II and III; PCEU8180, 8185, and 8190) that requires comprehensive evaluation of a topic pertaining to cosmetic science or OTC drug development that demonstrates competency in multidisciplinary didactic coursework and scientific, regulatory, and business aspects of research and development related to personal care or topical drug products under direction of a faculty Mentor. The result is a Capstone Paper and an open oral presentation before the faculty Mentor, one of the Capstone co-coordinators, and at least one other faculty member. In Cosmetic Science Capstone I (PCEU8180) students will receive instruction and experience in researching a topic, including using online information sources, organizing acquired information and references including use of reference manager software, and using proper reference citation formats, and in technical writing and oral presentation skills, all through lectures and peer group exercises. In addition, there will be both lectures and individual consulting sessions with each student by course faculty to guide the student in selecting an appropriate Capstone topic and identification of an appropriate Faculty Mentor. The Mentor will then guide the student through primary development and research of the topic in Cosmetic Science Capstone II and completion of the Capstone paper and oral presentation in Cosmetic Capstone III. The Cosmetic Science Capstone co-coordinators will assist the Mentors as needed and provide oversight. Further, the peer groups established in this course for training exercises will be available for peer review and support through the total Cosmetic Science Capstone sequences of course.
PCEU 8185
Cosmetic Science Capstone II
Course: PCEU 8185
Credit: 1
This course is the second of a three-course sequence (Cosmetic Science Capstone I, II and III; PCEU8180, 8185, and 8190) that requires comprehensive evaluation of a topic pertaining to cosmetic science or OTC drug development that demonstrates competency in multidisciplinary didactic coursework and scientific, regulatory, and business aspects of research and development related to personal care or topical drug products under direction of a Faculty Mentor. The final result is a Capstone Paper and an open oral presentation before the faculty Mentor, one of the Capstone co-coordinators and at least one other faculty member. In Cosmetic Science Capstone II (PCEU8185) the student will research published information sources and optionally generate survey or experimental data pertaining to their Capstone Topic selected in Cosmetic Science Capstone I (PCEU8180). Additionally, under the individual guidance of a Faculty Mentor students will prepare a detailed, referenced outline building on the preliminary outline created in Capstone I. This new outline will incorporate all of the requisite information obtained in this research in a format that will facilitate preparation of a technical paper of publishable quality on the Capstone Topic. The outline will also be approved by the course coordinators. Students may utilize peer review and discussion of their outlines with the peer group established in PCEU8180. Student will be expected to orally present (in a virtual format or in-person in Cincinnati as appropriate to conditions then current) an overview of the information and organization of their Capstone Topic to their Mentor, at least one course coordinator, and at least one other faculty member who will collectively provide comments and critique, as well as objectively assess whether a student is ready to progress to Cosmetic Science Capstone III (PCEU8190).
PCEU 8190
Cosmetic Science Capstone III
Course: PCEU 8190
Credit: 2
This course is the third of a three-course sequence (Cosmetic Science Capstone I, II and III; PCEU 8180, 8185, and 8190) that requires comprehensive evaluation of a topic pertaining to cosmetic science or OTC drug development that demonstrates competency in multidisciplinary didactic coursework and scientific, regulatory, and business aspects of research and development related to personal care or topical drug products under direction of a Faculty Mentor. The result is a Capstone Paper and an open oral presentation (in a virtual format or in-person in Cincinnati as appropriate to conditions then current) before the Faculty Mentor, one of the Capstone co-coordinators and at least one other faculty member. In Cosmetic Science Capstone III (PCEU8190) the student will prepare formal research paper (Capstone Paper) of publishable quality using the information obtained in Cosmetic Science Capstone II (PCEU8185) and as organized in the detailed referenced outline prepared in PCEU8180 under the guidance of his/her Capstone Mentor. Students will then orally present their Capstone Project in an open forum including the Mentor, Capstone co-coordinators and at least one other faculty member (PCEU8030). During the writing process students may utilize peer review and discussion of their Capstone Papers and oral presentations with the peer group established in PCEU8180.
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Course Title / Description Credit
PCEU 8005
Safety Assessment of Cosmetic & Topical OTC Drug Products- Pre Clin & Clinical
Course: PCEU 8005
Credit: 2
This course will review the principles and guidelines for pre-clinical and clinical safety evaluation of new cosmetic and OTC drug products. The course will include a review of the regulatory requirements for safety testing, the role of the toxicologist, the importance of exposure in safety testing, specific types of safety studies (preclinical and clinical), and the use of the data for a risk assessment for marketing clearance of new products. Current hot topics and practical approaches to safety program design and management will be covered. Course work will include workshops to design safety programs, evaluation of the results to confirm safe exposure limits, and post marketing safety monitoring requirements.
PCEU 8015
Pharmacology-Basics and Cosmetic & Personal Care Product Applications
Course: PCEU 8015
Credit: 2
This introductory course will cover core principles of pharmacology including absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination of drugs. In addition, this course twill provide a fundamental understanding of pharmacodynamics and toxicodynamics, pharmacokinetics, principles of how agonists an antagonists interact with drug receptors to modulate physiologic function and the importance of the dose-response relations in drug development and therapy. Dermatological pharmacology pertaining to topical drugs and cosmetics will be reviewed with regard to major drug classes as well as " non-drug actives" and mechanisms of action. Novel models used in the evaluations of topical pharmacology and cosmetic products will also be addressed. In addition, the pharmacology of selected therapeutics relevant to OTC drugs such as respiratory, gastrointestinal and analgesia will be introduced.
PCEU 8016
Consumer Understanding for Formulators-Overview and Practice
Course: PCEU 8016
Credit: 2
This introductory course will cover the role of consumer understanding and consumer research in the development of a product, beginning with either a new technology or the identification of a currently unmet consumer need. We will explore the need for the use of consumer understanding to develop the core consumer concept, claims, product performance design and qualifications for market. We will also discuss and understand the role of Market data, public relations issues and success criteria in a consumer centric product ts company. Both Qualitative and Quantitative consumer research approaches will be overviews and each student will design and administer both a qualitative and quantitative research study in an area of their personal interest, with individual feedback and coaching playing a major part in their learning experience.
PCEU 8017
Introduction to Cosmetic Regulations
Course: PCEU 8017
Credit: 2
The course will introduce the basic concepts and processes relating to regulations that impact cosmetics, their constituent chemicals, packaging, labeling and advertising. Discussion will focus on the key jurisdictions that students interact with, especially the USA (and States), Canada and the EU. Topics covered in this course will include:
PCEU 8023
Fragrance Science
Course: PCEU 8023
Credit: 2
This course will focus on all aspects of fragrance as a science and as a commercial endeavor, including the sense of smell, the history of fragrance, fragrance creation and duplication, natural products and aroma chemicals used in fragrances, fragrance applications in personal care and household products, the physical chemistry of fragrance solutions, safety and regulatory requirements, the emotional and psychological effects of odors, and marketing considerations.
PCEU 8040
Color Cosmetics
Course: PCEU 8040
Credit: 2
Color Cosmetics is a two credit graduate course that provides a comprehensive look at the broad spectrum of color additives that are used in decorative cosmetic and personal care products, including water soluble dyes, standard organic andinorganic pigments as well as pearlescent, metallic, fluorescent and treated ones.
PCEU 8045
Color Cosmetics II
Course: PCEU 8045
Credit: 2
This Color Cosmetics II is a two credits graduate course that is a continuation of Color Cosmetics I (PCEU 8041) and provides a comprehensive review of color cosmetic formulations. Topics in Color Cosmetics II include powder products, pigmented emulsions, anhydrous wax, and solvent-based formulation. Raw materials, product development, and processing procedures will be reviewed. Shade matching in these major classes of color cosmetic formulations will also be covered.
PCEU 8061
Clinical and Instrumental Testing of Skin
Course: PCEU 8061
Credit: 3
This course covers principles of skin clinical testing, including human subject protection, study design and testing on special populations such as infants. The principles behind the instruments for studying skin in-vivo are covered along with their use in clinical protocols. Methods covered include skin water loss measurements, electrical measurements, mechanical measurements, laser Doppler blood flow, ultrasound imaging, surface contour imaging, optical coherence tomography, skin color measurements, confocal microscopy, skin spectroscopy and magnetic resonance imaging Instruments for measurement of skin topography to analyze skin features such as wrinkles are covered in detail. Protocols and protocol development for testing moisturizers, cleansing products, anti-aging products, sunscreens, antiperspirants, and deodorants are among the ones that are covered in the course. New methods including multi-photon tomography and fluorescence lifetime imaging will be covered. The use of non-invasively obtained biomarkers in conjunction with traditional biophysical measurements to investigate skin condition and for claim support will be covered. Students will learn to write standard operating procedures (SOPs) and clinical protocols.
PCEU 8070
Molecular Biology of Skin
Course: PCEU 8070
Credit: 2
This is an advanced course focusing on the molecular biology of skin. The molecular structure of the epidermis, dermis and dermal epidermal junction will be covered in detail along with key cell signaling pathways in the skin.
PCEU 8080
Cosmetic Microbiology
Course: PCEU 8080
Credit: 2
This course will teach cosmetic science and microbiology graduate students up-to-date information on cosmetic microbiology, product preservation, skin microflora, and regulations pertaining to cosmetic and over-the-counter drug products. The approach is a practical one based on industry experience with the preservation of skin care products. Topics discussed include the historical developments in cosmetic microbiology, a basic review of microbiology, product preservation, preservatives, microbiological issues in the manufacturing plant, problems with Pseudomonas spp., modulation of skin microflora with products and probiotics, and the Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act and Regulations pertaining to cosmetic and over-the-counter drug products.
PCEU 8089
OTC Drug Product and Dietary Supplement Product Development
Course: PCEU 8089
Credit: 3
The class is designed to provide a practical overview of: (1) pertinent FDA regulations regarding OTC drug products and dietary supplements; (2) the physiology of application sites with regard to drug or dietary supplement release from dosage forms and absorption; (3) product development considerations for systemically and locally acting over-the-counter (OTC) drug products; and (4) product development considerations for dietary supplements.
PCEU 8120
Advanced Skincare Science
Course: PCEU 8120
Credit: 3
Lectures and homework assignments covering basic skin anatomy, epidermis and dermis, dermatological terminology, SC barrier homeostasis, skin penetration, skin immune system, skin color, sunscreens, phototoxicity, skin microbiome, multi-ethnic skin, skin surfactant interactions, Skin irritation and dryness, eye irritation, molecular basis for skin moisturization and anti-aging products.
PCEU 8125
Introduction to Personal Care Cosmetics Ingredients
Course: PCEU 8125
Credit: 2
Lectures and homework assignments will be covering basic organic/polymer/siloxane/inorganic chemistry and physical properties of relevant personal care and cosmetic ingredients, along with practical application based on their chemical and physical properties translating to product benefits and applications. Additional learning will be accomplished via reading assignments. The instructor will reinforce the assignments by discussing the practical aspects of cosmetic chemicals supplemented with real-life practical examples.
PCEU 8130
Advanced Hair Care Science
Course: PCEU 8130
Credit: 3
Lectures and homework assignments covering hair growth and structure, hair properties, chemistry of waving, straightening, relaxing and depilation, hair coloring, hair care treatments such as shampoos, conditioners, and fixatives, hair evaluation and claims support, treatment of damaged hair and toxicology of hair care products.
PCEU 8140
Manufacturing Hygiene: Facilities, Utilities, and Plant Engineering
Course: PCEU 8140
Credit: 2
The course will introduce the scientific principles and the practical application of designing, building and operating a manufacturing plant for the successful manufacture of personal care products. The focus will be on the equipment, facilities and utility systems of the plant. This includes the various clean design requirements for different types of equipment and buildings and critical utility systems, including the water system and heating, ventilation and air conditioning a well as other essential utility systems.
PCEU 8150
Manufacturing Hygiene: Microbiology, Product/Package Design, & Quality Assurance
Course: PCEU 8150
Credit: 2
The course will define the technical fundamentals that establish the need for manufacturing hygiene and put the work of the Manufacturing Hygienist into context. The technical elements will establish a basic understanding of microbiology, define quality expectations and relevant methods by which product quality and systems monitoring are conducted, risk assessments that identify critical control points, investigations and remedial actions regarding quality compromises. The course will put the work of the Manufacturing Hygienist into context. The context will cover the goals of business and the social and regulatory environment in which businesses operate. The role of regulators will be explained as they relate to maintaining control of manufacturing hygiene. People skills needed for an effective manufacturing hygienist to play a leading role, construct and support effective systems to maintain control of product quality, will be covered by the lesson plan.
PCEU 8160
Fundamentals of Beauty Marketing
Course: PCEU 8160
Credit: 2
This course aims to develop a fundamental understanding of beauty brand development and the implementation of comprehensive marketing strategies, encompassing product, pricing, promotion, and distribution channels. Additionally, the course will delve into an exploratory examination of emerging consumer trends and industry dynamics that are poised to shape the landscape of product development in the beauty industry. This course also provides a deeper appreciation of the factors that lead to success or failure in the beauty industry, including funding readiness and the role of angel investors. It culminates with an exploration of mergers and acquisitions in the beauty sector, as well as an analysis of celebrity brands. Overall, this course empowers students with comprehensive knowledge and a well-rounded view of beauty marketing.
PCEU 8175
Introduction to Beauty-Tech for Skin Care
Course: PCEU 8175
Credit: 2
The confluence of pervasive measurements, big data, and computing are revolutionizing the Cosmetics industry resulting in an evolution of Beauty Tech (BT). Driven by the exploding growth, better and faster technologies, and consumer adoption of new experiences, startups and large Personal Care companies alike are increasingly adopting and developing new capabilities in BT. However, there is no go to place for researchers and others to learn and develop an understanding of underlying capabilities, methods, and applications. This course will fill the gap by exploring how the science of beauty intersects with enabling and evolving capabilities to develop new technologies and products. Students will not only learn about the science of skin appearance but also about beauty tech tools, e.g. apps, ML/AI reliant software and devices.
PHDD 8010
Global Regulatory and Development Strategies of Drugs and Medical Devices
Course: PHDD 8010
Credit: 3
This course provides graduate students with an overview on legal and regulatory aspects relevant to drug and medical device development. This includes intellectual properties protection, global legal and regulatory requirements, protection of human subjects and ethics in clinical research and essential elements of management of global projects. Case studies will be included to underline how regulatory strategiesimpact product marketing and life cycle management. Throughout the course, students will integrate knowledge using specific industry examples with the goal to identify critical decision points in the development that impact success of a new drug or medical device on the market.
PHDD 8080
Pharmaceutical Economics and Management
Course: PHDD 8080
Credit: 3
This course will provide students a background in project management issues in the conduct of global clinical trials, financial aspects of drug development and pharmacoeconomics of approved drug/drug products. The first module will focus on logistic and strategic issues of project management encountered in modern drug development. It includes exposure to principles of project management of complex programs involving: pharmaceutical development, operations, and regulatory affairs. In addition, the corporate challenges involved with portfolio management and optimization will be presented focusing on tools used for optimum decision making. This knowledge base will be applied towards selective case presentations with the goal to identify critical decision points in the process that dramatically impact the successful launch of a new product. The second module will emphasize the business and financial aspects of drug development, including biotechnology and other innovative small pharmaceutical companies that derive their funding primarily from venture capital funding, business strategies, outsourcing and merger and acquisitions. Valuation of the new chemical/molecule as it evolves in the drug development pipeline will be discussed.
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Electives: On-Ground Laboratory Courses

Course Title / Description Credit
PCEU 8021L
Cosmetic Science Laboratory
Course: PCEU 8021L
Credit: 2
This laboratory course will teach formulation principles and give the students hands on experience in making skin and hair care products and testing their stability.
PCEU 8046L
Introduction to Cosmetic Color Science Lab
Course: PCEU 8046L
Credit: 2
In this laboratory course students will learn experimental techniques to characterize physical and chemical properties of colorants and evaluate colorant properties such as hue, value, and chroma. Students will carry out studies of color mixing and color-matching utilizing color properties and characteristics like tint and tone. This course is also designed to teach fundamental methods of processing and incorporating color additives in product development in formats like lipstick, nail lacquers, pressed powders, and water-based personal care products.
PCEU 8170L
Introduction to Fragrance Science Lab
Course: PCEU 8170L
Credit: 2
In this laboratory course, students will learn basic olfactive understanding for formulating cosmetic products, combining both the art and science required to launch successful scents. This will include olfactive language and fragrance families, basic raw materials, stability, and dosing and regulatory considerations. Students will also learn consumer expectations by cosmetic format, as well as global fragrance preferences and how they differ by culture, region, climate, and target consumer.
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