MS in Pharmacy Leadership sample schedule: Learn more about when courses are offered and taken. Leadership and management principles, as well as skill development exercises, are woven into the active learning content of all courses. To maximize the learning experience, professional growth is fostered through the application of leadership principles with case studies and activities included in every course. Students benefit from gaining insights into healthcare issues from various perspectives and stakeholders in healthcare.
Each course is worth 3 semester credit hours and is completed in a compressed schedule of 7.5 weeks. Students typically take one 7.5-week course at a time, completing two courses each semester. The program consists of 10 courses, totaling 30 credit hours.
Required College of Allied Health Course
Nine Courses from College of Pharmacy
Two Approved Electives From the College of Allied Health or the Lindner College of Business
To learn more about our course offerings, review a sample of our curriculum.
Each course is completed in a compressed schedule of 7.5 weeks.
Learn how network forensics work and build upon the fundamentals of network security in this intensive course on enterprise security and forensics. This course focuses on using network security strategies to design and implement effective systems that provide adequate protection while remaining accessible to the user community. The course explores different network forensic analysis tools to better prepare students for the challenges of their IT careers.
This course is the first of a three-course sequence (Capstone I, II and III; PHLD 8061, 8062, and 8063) that requires the design, implementation and presentation of results for a Capstone Research Project. In this course, Capstone I (PHLD 8061), students will receive instruction and gain experience in researching a Capstone project topic, including using online information sources, organizing acquired information and references with reference manager software, and using AMA/APHA as proper reference citation formats. In addition, course faculty will provide lectures and individual consulting sessions with each student to guide them in selecting an appropriate Capstone topic and developing a full Capstone project proposal using the template provided. In addition, students will identify and recommend possible Capstone Advisory Committee members for their project.
This course is the second of a three-course sequence (Capstone I, II and III; PHLD 8061, 8062, and 8063) that requires the design, implementation, and presentation of results for a Capstone Research Project. In this course, Capstone II (PHLD 8062), students will receive instruction and gain experience in the implementation of a research project, including IRB submission, basic statistical analysis, scientific writing, and manuscript preparation. In addition, course faculty will provide lectures and individual consulting sessions with each student to guide them in continuing their research according to project timelines. Students will also provide regular progress reports to Capstone Committee members and submit them as assignments. At the conclusion of Capstone II, the student will have IRB approval for their research, most of their data collected, and an initial draft of their research manuscript.
This course is the third of a three-course sequence (Capstone I, II and III; PHLD 8061, 8062, and 8063) that requires the design, implementation and presentation of results for a Capstone Research Project. Capstone III (PHLD 8063) should be taken in the last semester before graduation. In this course, students will conclude their research projects under the guidance of their Capstone Advisory Committee; complete a final manuscript, acceptable for submission to a chosen publication; and deliver a final oral presentation of their research to their Capstone Advisory Committee, Program Director, and invited guests of the program. The final research project and presentation should demonstrate the students’ conceptual, analytical, research, and practical skills acquired and developed throughout the courses in the program.
Elective courses offered from the College of Allied Health (Health Administration & Health Informatics) and from the Lindner College of Business
The MS in Pharmacy Leadership program is typically completed in 5 semesters or 1 and 2/3 years if taken part-time.
For the MS in Pharmacy Leadership program, a grade-point average (GPA) of at least 3.00 or foreign equivalent is recommended.
Requirements include:
Please visit the Admissions Requirements page for more information.
Additional resources to support you from start to finish.
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