Curriculum: MS Pharm Sci: Healthcare Operational Excellence

Curriculum: MS Pharm Sci: Healthcare Operational Excellence
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Foundation Courses

Students will take these courses in their first semester. These courses will be offered every semester

Course Title / Description Credit
PCEU 7010
Biostatistics & Research Methods
Course: PCEU 7010
Credit: 3
The course begins with basic statistical concepts, introduces essential descriptive and inferential statistical tests, demonstrates some data analysis tools and collection instruments, then discusses common research methodology for pharmaceutical and cosmetic sciences. Students will learn how to use statistics and research designs to evaluate scientific evidence to make individual and population-based decisions. Students will conduct some simple statistical analysis based on given data sets and interpret the results, as well review clinical research literature.
PADM Lean Six Sigma I
Course: PADM Lean Six Sigma I
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Fall Core Courses

These core courses will only be offered in the fall semester

Course Title / Description Credit
PADM Operating System Analysis and Improvement
Course: PADM Operating System Analysis and Improvement
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Spring Core Course

These core courses will only be offered in the spring semester

Course Title / Description Credit
PADM Lean Six Sigma II
Course: PADM Lean Six Sigma II
PADM Lean Six Sigma III
Course: PADM Lean Six Sigma III
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Summer Core Courses

This core course will only be offered in the summer semester

Course Title / Description Credit
PCEU 7050
Ethics in Scientific Research- Pharmacy
Course: PCEU 7050
Credit: 1
Students will learn about the various ethical and moral issues that are often encountered in scientific research including ways to identify and analyze them in the practice of research. The course is designed as an option to meet the NIH and NSF requirements for training in RCR (Responsible conduct of research). Topics to be covered include: RCR principles and guidelines, mentorship, collaborative research, conflict of interests, authorship and plagiarism, intellectual property and data handling, research involving human and animal subjects, scientific integrity and misconduct and social responsibility.
PADM 7050
Pharmacoeconomics & Decision Analytical Modeling
Course: PADM 7050
Credit: 3
This course is designed to provide an understanding of the theory and application of economic evaluation methods used in healthcare decision-making. Various methods such as cost-effectiveness analysis, cost-utility analysis, cost-minimization analysis, and cost-benefit analysis will be discussed to evaluate healthcare services, pharmaceuticals, and medical device products. Additionally, techniques to measure costs and outcomes will be discussed in detail along with assigning the monetary value to outcomes. Different types of models such as decision trees and Markov models will be taught. Students will have a chance to conduct independent group projects using a decision-analytic software package by which they will be able to conduct a cost-effectiveness analysis to compare different therapeutic options.
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Capstone Course

Students will take this course in the last semester. This course will be offered every semester.

Course Title / Description Credit
PADM Capstone
Course: PADM Capstone
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Students will choose electives based on the educational and career goals in their fall, summer, and capstone semesters. Please work with your student success coordinator to determine when these courses will be available.

Course Title / Description Credit
CS 60101
Course: CS 60101
CS 6033
Artificial Intelligence
Course: CS 6033
Credit: 3
The course will cover in detail the topics of state space search, game tree search, constraint satisfaction, logic based knowledge representation and reasoning, first order predicate calculus, uncertainty handling using Bayesian probability theory, and some applications of these techniques.Applications may be selected from the area s of automated planning, natural language processing, or machine learning.
CS 6037
Machine Learning
Course: CS 6037
Credit: 3
The goal of this course is to introduce students to the field of Machine Learning. The course covers traditional machine learning algorithms, and their implementations along with discussions of concrete problems where these algorithms are suitable. Topics covered by course include: Concept Learning and the General-to-Specific Ordering Decision Tree Learning Artificial Neural Networks Evaluating Hypotheses/Bayesian Learning Computational Learning Theory Instance-Based Learning Genetic Algorithms Learning Sets of Rules Analytical Learning Combining Inductive and Analytical Learning Reinforcement Learning.
CS 6052
Intelligent Data Analysis
Course: CS 6052
Credit: 3
This course will introduce students to the theoretical and practical aspects of the field of data mining. Algorithms for data mining will be covered and their relationships with statistics, mathematics, and algorithm design foundations will be explored in detail.
CS 6065
Introduction to Cloud Computing
Course: CS 6065
Credit: 3
The course will cover the following topics: 1. Introduction and Historical perspectives 2. Cloud Models: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS. 3. Underlying technologies: Networking, Internet Architecture, Virtualization 4. Distributed System Concepts 5. MapReduce Paradigm & Hadoop 6. Cloud Applications & Architectures 7. Modern Case Studies in Hadoop and Cloud Applications 8. Designing Applications for the Cloud 9. Cloud Security 10. Public cloud offerings
ENGR 6032
Industry 4.0 Domains of Knowledge
Course: ENGR 6032
Credit: 3
Industry 4.0 describes the evolution of industry toward inter-connectivity, automation, machine learning, and basing decisions on real-time data acquisition. The course provides students a broad understanding of the industrial internet of things (IIOT) which encompasses physical production and operations with smart digital technology, machine learning, and big data analysis to create a connected ecosystem for organizations that focus on manufacturing and supply chain management.
ENGR 6045
Interdisciplinary Innovation for Engineers
Course: ENGR 6045
Credit: 3
Interdisciplinary Innovation for Engineers provides students in technical disciplines a practical and focused set of innovation competencies and processes that are needed to add high-order value to all organizations in a dynamic economy. This interdisciplinary course will enable students to develop foundational attitudes, skills, and knowledge for both core business and engineering innovation functions. This course is designed as a practical, systems-oriented, meaningful experience for learning future-oriented competencies to contribute to all types of organizations while accelerating career enhancement.
MECH 6052
Course: MECH 6052
MECH 6074
Course: MECH 6074
EECE 6023C
Security & Trust for Cyberphysical Systems
Course: EECE 6023C
Credit: 4
Cyber-physical systems integrate computation, communication, and physical processes. They interact with the world in real time. With the growth of powerful networks and the Internet of Things (IoT), these systems are charged with performing many tasks for which reliability, safety, and security are critical. This course focuses on the development of trusted cyber-physical systems, which can be counted on to perform their tasks at defined levels of reliability, safety, and security.
PHLD 8040
Course: PHLD 8040
PHLD 8050
Course: PHLD 8050
PHLD 8010
Course: PHLD 8010
PHLD 8070
Accounting and Financial Decision- Making for Pharmacy Leaders
Course: PHLD 8070
Credit: 3
This course covers selected financial and managerial aspects of healthcare financial management, specifically designed for Pharmacists. It provides a broad introduction to key concepts, issues, tools, and vocabulary useful for managers, department heads, and owners. There are three main topic areas covered in the course: financial accounting; finance; and managerial accounting. The focus is on the understanding and application of the accounting information in healthcare with emphasis on addressing use within the pharmacy.
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