Curriculum: MSN Nursing Education

Curriculum: MSN Nursing Education
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The student who graduates from this master’s program will have an advanced level of education. They will fill the need to precept and/or supervise students in the clinical setting (e.g., hospitals, community) and the lab and classroom setting, primarily in community colleges. Generating expert nursing educators will help alleviate the nursing faculty shortage nationwide. Students in this program will already have a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree and be licensed as a registered nurse.

The Master of Science in Nursing Education will have a culminating research capstone project. The research capstone project will focus on the scholarship of teaching of learning. The program also offers a new learning experience by offering two unique courses: Emerging Technologies in Healthcare and the Simulation-Based Education course.

The courses for this program are offered across different semesters, and the curriculum guide will vary depending on your admission date. Please refer to the curriculum maps for the corresponding admit term below:

Learn more about each course:

Course Title / Description Credit
Theoretical Basis for Clinical Reasoning
Course: NURS8002
Credit: 2-3
This course examines the theoretical underpinnings of nursing practice, research, and evidence-based practice. Emphasis is placed on applying a range of theories from nursing and related fields when making clinical decisions.
Biostatistics for Evidence-based Practice
Course: NURS8004
Credit: 2-3
The focus of this course is the understanding of biostatistics for application to nursing and evidence-based practice. Emphasis is placed on the interpretation and appraisal of data analyses for the selection and use of best evidence for making practical conclusions about empirical data.
Healthcare Policy for the Advanced Practice Nurse
Course: NURS8008
Credit: 2-3
This course guides students in exploring political, economic, ethical, and social forces that currently impact decision making in health care. Patterns of influence that derive current policy development are examined and proposal of advocacy behaviors is encouraged.
Research and Best Evidence for Clinical Reasoning
Course: NURS8006
Credit: 2-3
This course examines approaches for the translation of the best available evidence into practice for improved outcomes in healthcare.
Learning-Centered Teaching in Healthcare
Course: NURS8082
Credit: 2-3
This course focuses on the role of the healthcare faculty member in developing cognitive, affective,and psychomotor student learning outcomes. Facilitating learning in traditional, flexible, and virtual learning spaces; use of evidence-based teaching; and addressing the needs of diverse learners in classroom and clinical settings will be emphasized.
Curriculum Design and Student Assessment in Healthcare
Course: NURS8084
Credit: 3
This course focuses on curriculum design and evaluation to facilitate student learning across cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains. Strategies to assess student learning and program effectiveness will be explored.
Instructional Technology for Learning-Centered Teaching
Course: NURS8086
Credit: 3
This course focuses on the effective use of instructional technology to support learning-centered teaching. Emphasis is placed on pedagogically sound applications of instructional technologies from the perspectives of theory, research, practice, and future trends.
The Professorial Role in Nursing Education
Course: NURS8088
Credit: 3
This course focuses on the comprehensive investigation of the academic nursing role in higher education relative to administration, student issues, program requirements, and faculty expectations.
Emerging Technologies in Healthcare
Course: NURS8090
Credit: 3
This course is designed to help future nurses understand what digital health technologies are emerging and how those will impact patient care. The course will address how changing IT strategies will impact healthcare overall.
Simulation-Based Education: Best Practice in Nursing Education
Course: NURS8092
Credit: 3
This course introduces the nurse educator to the multi-faceted aspects of simulation-based education providing an evidence-based framework to develop, facilitate and evaluate simulation-based learning experiences in nursing education.
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