Curriculum: Associate of Applied Business in Business Applications Technology

Curriculum: Associate of Applied Business in Business Applications Technology
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With UC Online’s Associate of Business Applications Technology, all of your coursework is completed online. Our students are given the necessary skills to process, maintain, analyze and report health information according to the accreditation and certification standards for reimbursement, care management, quality assurance and research.

In addition to the BAT program, UC Online also offers an Application Software Support Specialist Certificate and a Software Productivity II : Online Certificate, both complement the BAT Degree.

Sample Curriculum

Customized curriculum map for the BAT program is available to fit your schedule and pace. Part-time and Full-time options are available to all students. Summer term courses are also offered. The program accepts students 6 times a year. Self paced online orientation is required after you are accepted to the program.

Business Application Technology Courses

Course Title / Description Credit
Introduction to Software Applications
Course: BAT1013C
Credit: 3
Hands-on course introducing the basics of business productivity applications, specifically in the areas of word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and presentations.
Workplace Technologies
Course: BAT1015C
Credit: 3
Hands-on course where learners use workplace technologies for optimizing, collaborating, and streamlining workflows, and design innovative solutions using cutting-edge tools.
Word Processing Applications
Course: BAT1017C
Credit: 3
This hands-on course covers intermediate level word processing software skills.
Presentation Applications
Course: BAT1018C
Credit: 3
This hands-on course covers intermediate-level presentation software skills.
Customer Service
Course: BAT1061C
Credit: 3
A survey of best practices related to customer service in contemporary business operations. Topics covered include customer behavior, communicating with customers in a diverse environment, using technology to improve customer service, handling complaints, and building loyalty. The course content examines the concept of customer service from the perspectives of management and non-management employees.
Managing Workplace Tools, Ethics, and Security
Course: BAT2015
Credit: 3
An examination of best practices in contemporary workplace management. The course will explore the role and responsibility of managers in today's diverse business environment through the application of business productivity software.
Database Applications
Course: BAT2019C
Credit: 3
Hands-on course that covers intermediate skills associated with database software. The course consists of the examination of database concepts, designing, creating and modifying databases in order to enhance business operations.
Spreadsheet Applications
Course: BAT2020C
Credit: 3
Hands-on course that covers intermediate-level spreadsheet software skills.
Workplace Communications
Course: BAT2073C
Credit: 3
An examination of best practices in contemporary workplace communication policies and methods combined with hands-on practice related to developing business messages via written, verbal, and media channels.
Project Management Applications
Course: BAT2093C
Credit: 3
Hands-on course that covers intermediate skills associated with project management software. The course consists of examination of project management concepts, planning, modifying and executing projects to solve business scenarios.
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Supporting Courses

Course Title / Description Credit
Fundamentals of Computerized Accounting
Course: ACCT2051
Credit: 3
This course will introduce students to the basics of accounting through the use of a computerized accounting program. This includes analysis of transactions, data entry, and preparation and analysis of computer generated financial statements and reports. This is a hands-on course with the accounting software provided with the textbook. This course is intended for the Associate of Applied Business (AAB) program, and does not apply toward a Bachelors in Business Administration (BBA).
Introduction to Social Media for Business
Course: BA1050
Credit: 3
This course will enhance students' knowledge and expertise in the evolving world of social media. Students will learn practical, how-to-do techniques to integrate social media into business strategy. The course will also review information security, privacy, and ethics in social media.
Digital Media Logistics
Course: DGMD1011C
Credit: 3
This course introduces students to the products, tools and environment of the digital media production technology profession. One focus of this course centers on the understanding of various file types, sizes and compression techniques used in digital media. Another focus is how different media are produced using different industry-standard software applications.
Fundamentals of Data Visualization
Course: IS2060
Credit: 3
This course focuses on the fundamental principles of data analysis, visual presentation, chart types and how to acquire and process data. The course will present a variety of methods to gather data, analyze data, and visually present data.
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General Education Courses

Course Title / Description Credit
English Composition
Course: ENGL1001
Credit: 3
English Composition 1001 is a writing-centered course that emphasizes the careful reading, analytical thinking, and persuasive strategies inherent in researching and writing within an academic community. Students learn that rhetorical knowledge is the basis of composing while learning to write with purpose, audience, context, and conventions in mind. Students develop rigorous academic research practices: how to locate and evaluate primary and secondary sources relevant to their line of inquiry and position their own ideas in conversation with public writing. Students also engage in regular self-reflection: articulating what they know, what they can do, and how to apply their knowledge and skills in various contexts.
Intermediate Composition
Course: ENGL2089
Credit: 3
Intermediate Composition is a writing-centered course that builds on what students learn in first-year composition and focuses students’ attention on theoretical underpinning of how meaning is made, understood, and communicated within and across various discourse communities and genres. The course emphasizes critical reading and writing, advanced research and analysis skills, and rhetorical sensitivity to differences in academic, professional, and public composing. This course challenges students to engage in substantive projects drawing on primary research and source analysis methods and asks students to document, communicate, and reflect on their research.
Social Sciences (SS) elective
Course: BoK: SS
Credit: 3

Select one course

Fine Arts (FA), Historical Perspectives (HP), Humanities and Literature (HU) elective
Course: BoK: HU, FA, HP
Credit: 3

Select one course

Natural Sciences (NS) Elective
Course: BoK: NS
Credit: 3

Select one course

Introduction to Statistics
Course: STAT1031
Credit: 3
A one-semester comprehensive introduction to statistics suitable for students in biology, nursing, allied health, and applied science. Discussion of data, frequency distributions, graphical and numerical summaries, design of statistical studies, and probability as a basis for statistical inference and prediction. The concepts and practice of statistical inference including confidence intervals, one and two sample t-tests, chi-square tests, regression and analysis of variance, with attention to selecting the procedure(s) appropriate for the question and data structure, and interpreting and using the result. Prerequisite: at least 30 on the ALEKS Math test or 420 on the Math Placement Test (MPT) is recommended.
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