Curriculum: Marketing Graduate Certificate

Curriculum: Marketing Graduate Certificate
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The certificate includes one core course (two semester credits) and four to five elective courses (10 semester credits). The prerequisite Marketing Foundations course is required for students without a marketing background.

Marketing certificate curriculum: 

  • Prerequisite, 1 credit
  • Core, 2 credits
  • Electives, 10 credits

To learn more about our coursework, review a sample curriculum.

Course Title / Description Credit
MKTG 7000
Marketing Foundations
Course: MKTG 7000
Credit: 1
The purpose of this course is to provide students with a foundation in Marketing. Concepts such as segmentation, targeting, positioning, customer and market analysis, and basic marketing planning will be introduced. This course cannot be used as an elective for Linder College of Business master's students.
MKTG 7035
Marketing Strategy for Managers
Course: MKTG 7035
Credit: 2
This course aims to develop a conceptual framework for strategic planning and introduce a handful of analytical tools. Importantly, strategy involves wrestling with knotty problems and testing solutions in a group context. Therefore, we develop descriptive familiarity and some analytical prowess around real problems and develop vital points of reference we can utilize in future, analogous circumstances. We analyze marketing cases that pivot on substantial, contemporary issues involving branding, market selection, business definition, program development and management, among others.
MKTG 7014
Systematic Innovation Tools
Course: MKTG 7014
Credit: 2
This course focuses on how to create value and growth through innovation in new and existing markets. Students will learn the skills of innovation and how to apply those skills within the context of a marketing strategy framework. Students will apply innovation methods across the entire marketing management continuum including strategy, segmentation, targeting, positioning, and the 4P's. The course will be taught using interactive workshop methods and techniques throughout. Students will first experience these facilitation techniques while learning innovation.They will then learn and practice these techniques so that they can apply them routinely throughout their graduate experience and beyond.
MKTG 7015
Buyer Behavior
Course: MKTG 7015
Credit: 2
Consumer behavior is the study of human responses to products, services, and the marketing of these products and services. The topic is of critical importance to managers because the focus on the consumer is the key contribution of marketing to business practice; other business functions (e.g.,finance, accounting, production) ignore the consumer. Managers who really understand the consumer develop better products and services, and also market their products and services more effectively.
MKTG 7020
New Product Development
Course: MKTG 7020
Credit: 2
Students will study the process of market analysis, customer needs assessment, new product concept development, and market launch strategy.
MKTG 7025
Advertising and Marketing Communication
Course: MKTG 7025
Credit: 2
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to elements of advertising and promotion.The course is designed from the perspective of managers who will need to make decisions about marketing communications programs. Topics covered include: setting objectives, positioning, target audience selection, creative strategy, media strategy, advertising research and evaluation. The marketing communications program is seen as one part of the overall marketing mix. The material covered in the course is relevant for all types of organizations (large, small, public, or private).
MKTG 7028
Marketing Ethics
Course: MKTG 7028
Credit: 2
This course is designed to provide MS/MBA students with a broad, practical overview of ethical issues in marketing. Drawing from moral philosophy and cognitive psychology, students will acquire and refine analytical and managerial decision-making skills through the application of ethical principles to moral dilemmas represented in case examples. The primary emphasis of this course is on managerial decision-making. A central theme of this course is that good decisions are informed by a thorough understanding of the subjective biases to which individual human judgments and group decisions are prone.
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