Checking your Personal Device

Checking Your Personal Device – check your browser, plug ins, hard drive – MAC vs. PC

Check to see if your browser is optimized and ready for your first day of class.

Online learning requires that your computer is up to date with all programs and software. This ensures that your user experience meets your expectations and you don’t run into any problems. You are just a click away from testing your computer for programs that you may need throughout your college career.

Secure Your Computer

Many Canvas courses use browser plug-ins. To view portions of these sites, you may need one or more of the plugins below. Browsers will generally automatically download any plugin required by a particular page, but you may want to download and install these plug-ins now so you don’t have to worry about it later.

Below is a list of common plug-ins and links to the free downloads:

Java  Java is required for some important Canvas components. Some Canvas courses use java technology in course content.
Adobe Reader Adobe PDF documents are used in most Canvascourses and websites.
Adobe Flash Player Adobe Flash is used in many Canvas courses for interactive quizzes, animations, and activities.
Windows Media Player Some Canvas courses use video or audio that can be played with Windows Media Player.
RealPlayer Some Canvas courses use video or audio that can be played with RealPlayer.